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Aurora POV

I stare at the pregnancy test in my hands, sobbing, I think back to the crazy night me and Kane had. We were drunk as crap, but it still happened. He told me I was beautiful, he called me baby girl, then in the morning he was gone. At school he tried to flirt with me, asking to do it again, even though I have a boyfriend. He still wanted me, for sex, and I hate to admit it but I still want him too.

"Matthew" I say quietly, after he answers the phone.

"What baby," he asks.

"We have to break up," I say, crying.

"Why, Aurora, i love you," he pleads.

"When you find out, you'll hate me," I say.

With tear pouring down my face, I drive to school. I think of the two big events that happens this morning. First, I found out I was pregnant with Kane's baby. Second, I broke up with the most perfect man in the world, Mathew.

When I get to school I see the hurt on Mathews face. I didn't want to do this to him, but I lied to him about that night. I couldn't do that anymore, especially now since I'm pregnant. He would obviously know that I was cheating.

All day I avoided Mathew, I didn't want him to try to get back with me, and I really didn't want to tell him why I broke up with him.

"Why in the world did you break up with Mathew" my best friend, Giselle, asks. "I swear you're stupid." She continues.

"Shut up, and come with me" I say as I drag her into a classroom that no one is in.

I take a deep breath and say "do you remember that party you took me to, about a month and a half ago" I ask.

"Yeah, that was one crazy party" she says.

"Well you know how I got super drunk and lost my virginity?" I ask.

"Oh yeah" she realized

"Well um, so I'm uh pregnant" I say as I pull the test out of my purse.

"Oh, this is bad, and I'm assuming it's not Mathews. Oh wait this is really bad" she says.

"It's Kane's" I say. "Me and Mathew have never done anything before" I add.

She doesn't say anything she just grabs me in a hug. The tears start rolling down my face, how could I do this, how could I let my life turn out like this. I have plans, big plans, which all included Mathew.

"I think we should ditch today, and get you to the doctors to confirm this" she says. "Sometimes the tests can be wrong."

"Highly doubt it" I say as I start to compose myself so we can go.

In the waiting room there was a ton of pregnant ladies. They were all glowing, and happy. Many looked like they had their husbands and boyfriends with them, while I was here with my best friend. I guess I should start facing the fact that Kane most likely won't be here for any of this. I mean I really don't see him wanting this baby.

"Aurora Carter?" the nurse yells.

Me and Giselle get up and walk into the back. We went to a clinic that welcomes walk ins, so we didn't have to make an appointment.

"You're here to confirm a pregnancy" she asks. "Is this you're friend with you?"

"Uh yeah, yeah this is my best friend" I say.

"When was you're last period?" She asks.

"About two months ago" I say.

"Okay, we're going to draw your blood to see your hCG levels, and if you are indeed pregnant we're going to give you an ultrasound, so you can see the fetus" she says. "Also I am required to ask if you want STI testing, since I'm assuming that you've had unprotected sex."

"Okay, uh sure" I say, gratefully I turned 18 last week so I don't need my mom for any of this.

"Hi Aurora, I'm Dr.Stevens" the lady says. "So congratulations, you are indeed pregnant, and you're STI tests came back negative. We're now going to give you an ultrasound, to see if we can see the little one" she cheers.

As soon as she shows me it on the monitor, I immediately start bawling. I couldn't really help it, I'm just having so many emotions right now. I'm scared, sad, angry, and a teeny tiny bit of me is happy. I never in my life thought I was going to get pregnant in high school, or even let alone loose my virginity before marriage.

After the doctor finishes up me and Giselle go back to my house, since school was practically over, and my parents weren't home.

"Are you gonna tell him?" She asks.

"I'm gonna have to" I say, taking a deep breath. "It's his kid too, even if he doesn't want it he should at least know about it" I add.

First chapter, down! I hope you guys really enjoy this story, because I've really enjoyed writing it. If you liked the chapter please remember to vote on it, pretty please. Thanks for reading and have an awesome day y'all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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