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It's been a week without Ethan. At this point I don't know what to do. I feel incomplete without him.

I hear a knock on the door. A girl opens the door. It's the nurse. 

"I'm just gonna check up on Ethan."

My mom nods her head in approval. Reyni and Cam are in the couch next to Ethan's bed. They're both leaning each other, with red, puffy eyes. We all have that look in our faces.

I'm sitting on the chair across from Ethan. I look at him. He has machines hooked on everywhere. He looks so peaceful. His eyebrows are the only thing that pops out. The rest of his face is pale, including his lips.

My mom whispers something to the girls and they all get up and leave. I get up and walk towards Ethan. I have my hands inside my jeans

"Hey bro. Wake up sleepy head. It's time to film."

I fix his hair.

"You look like a mess right now. Let me help you with that. You would usually not let me do this"

I feel my throat getting sore as I hold my tears.

"I haven't told out fans anything. I don't know what to do without you. It's weird doing decisions on my own. Remember that diss track we made. Turns out I'm not bigger in every way. You're the better twin, you've always been. You always know what to do in every situation. I know I've asked you this everyday"

I kneel down and grab his hand. I place my head on the bed.

"Please wake up. It's been a week. This is the longest I've been away from you"

I loose control of myself and let tears fall off my face.

"You see what you do. I'm crying like a little baby"

I smile comes out of me.

We would normally laugh at this but when I don't hear his laughter join mine. My heart sinks and my face becomes straight.


Cameron, Mrs. Dolan and I are sitting in a table. We both are gazing away.

"So Grayson told me you leave to dance when you're not here" she says as she sniffs

"Yeah I go in at 8 - 12 then I have a one hour break and then I go back from 1 - 4"

"You must be really tired"

"I'm fine"

"Aren't the dance classes here in LA really extreme" Cameron says

"Yeah they are. I mean it's really challenging but I don't know I don't find them that challenging anymore. I just use it as an escape from all this"

I look down at my hands

"Don't blame yourself for this" Mrs. Dolan says

I look up at her

"It just feels like it is. I'm the one he choose to be his girlfriend and look where he is. I'm not good for your son"

"No" I hear a man voice.

I turn around and it's Grayson. He sits next to me.

"Ever since you started talking to him. He was happier than ever, he would laugh more and would always love life. If you leave him, that would be the end of him. When he felt like he almost lost you. This happened."

I sit there in shock

Grayson knows him too good.

"Don't over think this Reyni. Let's just pray he wakes up soon" Cameron says
I sigh.

Control Freak | Ethanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن