A surprise :)

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Ino's POV

"And so I asked him to be his love coach." I said through my cell phone. I was telling Sakura about what happened yesterday. So far, Sakura didn't get what the big deal was. "Why? I mean Ino, you know just as well as I do that Love Coaches never work." Sakura said confused.

I sighed. I love Sakura but she doesn't get it. She just doesn't appreciate good gossip! It frustrates me so much that she doesn't! Not only that, but Sakura's terrible at telling stories. She always edited and editing is the worst thing you could do.

"No no. Shikamaru's never liked anyone. And I mean anyone! So this is just me supervising. What if he does something stupid?" There was a pause through the phone. I tapped my foot impatiently, I hate moments of silence! It was sooo awkward!

"Do you like Shikamaru?" Sakura asked. I groaned. This again, really? "No way! Why does everyone think that?" I could hear Sakura hesitate through the phone. "Well….it's just from a spectators point of view you look like more then friends."

I sighed, I'm not in the mood to talk. At least to Sakura. "Well I don't like him. Can I talk to you later?" "Sure bye." I hung up and fell onto my bed. So so bored. And Shikamaru and Chouji are on a mission. A few minutes later I called Tenten. She picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" She said happily.

"Hey." I said. She sighed. "Oh it's you Ino." I frowned. Way to sound happy... "Why are you so disappointed?" She sighed again. "Cause I thought you were Sasuke!"

Tenten and Sasuke just started dating a few weeks ago. Sasuke asked her out. Neji apparently didn't seem to have much interest in her so she accepted. Sakura and I used to like Sasuke but I realized that I didn't truly like him. As for Sakura…well she fell for Naruto.

I smiled dying to hear this gossip. "Ooh did you guys kiss yet?" I asked curiously. There was a pause. "Yes." She admitted. "Seriously? What kind of kiss? Like a make out kind of kiss or a peck?"

"….A make out kiss." She said. She probably tried to sound embarrassed but I can tell by her voice that she was so happy about it. I smiled. I loved this gossip. I mean LOVED it. I loved knowing what was going on!

"How long?" I asked. "Why so many questions?" She asked. "Cause it's interesting! Don't you want to talk about it?"

"I guess I do." "Good now answer." I said in my bossy tone. "Alright well… a long time…" I gasped. "Okay tell me what happened every detail right now!"

"After the movies he came to my place. He said he really liked me. I said I did too. So he started kissing me. And I kissed back obviously who wouldn't? And before we knew it we were on top of each other making out on the couch!"

I gasped. "You had clothes on right?" She groaned. "Of course I had freaking clothes on! I didn't have sex with him! And I'm not lying!" "Sorry it's just you were on top of each other."

"It's okay." Again with the pause of silence... I broke the ice as usual. "Lucky. I wish I had a boyfriend to make out with!" I said with envy.

"Ino somebody I know really likes you!" Tenten said happily.

I immediately put my cell phone on speaker. "Who?"


Shikamaru's POV

Today was the first love coach meeting I had with Ino. It's strange and odd that she's my love coach, but I guess there's no other way around it. As I made my way through my kitchen, my Dad gave me a 'what's going on' look.

"Shikamaru Nara, something is going on," My father said suspiciously. I purposely frowned at him, he would never approve of the idea of a Love Coach.

"I don't know what you're talking-"

"Shikamaru Nara, you're telling me that nothing is going on? Something is going on. You're up at nine o'clock in the morning. Your mother didn't even wake you up for you to be up at nine o'clock in the morning. You got up without a complaint at nine o'clock in the morning. You are dressed at nine o'clock in the morning. You took a shower before nine o'clock in the morning. You aren't even tired, even though you're up at nine o'clock in the morning. You called Ino at nine o'clock in the morning. And now you're calling at nine o'clock in the morning. And you think I'll believe that nothing is going on?"

I sulked, why did my Dad know everything? As a response to my thoughts, he smiled a smile that meant 'I'm smarter then your mother gives me credit for'. I cringed, I knew I had to tell him everything. By the time I was done, he shook his head in disapproval.

"Didn't I tell you Shikamaru? Love is too complicated to understand. No human can possibly understand it. Love Coaches never work out," He said. My mother walked in. "Your father is right Shikamaru."

"Well whatever I don't really care." I grabbed my coat and walked out of the house just like that. When I was finally gone, my Mother chuckled. "He's so much like you, it's unbelievable." My father grunted.

"How troublesome…."

By the time I had gotten to Ino's house, she was on her front porch smiling like there was no tommorow. I loved that smile, it meant Ino was in a good mood. "Hey Shikamaru! We got some new cross breeds!" She called waving.

I had to smile, when you're around Ino, her happiness is contagious. People misjudge though. I don't love her. At least not like that. I love her as my own little sister. I love Chouji like my brother and I love Asuma like my Father. Team AsuInoShikaChou was a family.

"Really?" I said in surprise. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in the shop. "Tada!" She said pointing to the flowers. They were pretty, I suppose, but Ino's fascinated facial expression was about 1,000 times prettier.

"Did you grow them?" She beamed. "I totally did! Aren't they beautiful?" She stared at the flowers in admiration. Ino is a flower expert. She knows every type of flower known, she knows how to grow them, their scientific name, and even what they mean. Ino had a talent in not only gardening, but cooking, sewing, even baby sitting. She was sort of good at that kind of stuff.

Ino's mom came down the stairs and she smiled at us. "Hello Shikamaru. Are you going to take her on a date?" I laughed, but Ino blushed. "Mom! I've told you many times that he is just a guy best friend! Chouji too!"

I decided to tease her, Ino was hilarious when she was frustrated. "No hesitation huh?" Ino turned a pinkish/reddish color and glared at me. "God, not you too! Stop laughing at me!" Her mother retreated upstairs after she greeted me. Ino turned around, her face was still pink, but she wasn't as pink.

"Alright Shikamaru-"

She was interrupted by the arrival of a customer, and not just any customer, Temari in fact. Temari raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Shikamaru what are you doing here?" Ino made a face. I guess she was offended by how she was completely ignored.

"Ino's a close friend of mine," I said trying to explain. Temari gave Ino a cold glare, but I didn't notice. "How…nice."


Okay guys, this chapter was originally two seperate chapters, but it was very short, so I decided to combine it. Usually, one chapter is Shikamaru's POV, and then the next chapter is Ino's. I hope that clears things up! Enjoy :)

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