The Backstory

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The Observer glided through the shadows. The moon was brightly lit allowing shadows to hide among. His master (or as he likes to say, boss) had ordered him to meet with him as soon as possible. He hated working under someone, he was a demon as well, why couldn't the Slenderman just let him go? Sighing, he noticed that the other demon proxy under the Slenderman was in front of him. His tattered cape moved slightly in the breeze. Moving faster he gave a wry smile to the man. "Hello there Shadow." The said man didn't respond in any way, instead he kept on walking. "Silent as always I see." The Observer sighed out and didn't try to speak anymore to the shadowed man, knowing he wouldn't get a word spoken from him.

The two continued walking in silence, the only sounds was the wind moving the leaves on the trees and the occasional twigs snapping underneath their feet. They were getting to the point where there were no leaves on the trees and the smell of death would get stronger. The farther they got, the less trees there were and soon they disappeared altogether. Smirking the Observer dramatically bowed with an arm outstretched. "Would you do the honors?" Rolling his eyes from under his hood the other man spread his arms out. "Et animam meam pono pro gutta sanguinis mei." The wind started to get stronger and the temperature started to get colder. Soon, a hole in the ground appeared and the two men walked towards it. Without a second thought the two jumped into the hole.


Opening his eyes the Observer saw that he was standing in front of an old abandoned mansion. The windows were broken, the door was hanging off of the hinges, and the wood was old and molding. Ignoring the looks of the building he moved and without hesitation walked straight into the door. The sight on the inside was a different story. Behind him the door was in perfect condition, the cherry wood floors were neatly polished with a long red rug that was perfectly in the middle trailing down the hallway until it hit a door. Ignoring all of the other doors he walked until he came to the door at the end of the hallway.

Knocking on it he noticed that his companion had disappeared. The thought of the other man disappeared as the door in front of him opened seemingly by itself. 'Come in.' A deep voice said in his head and he grimaced. He hated the feeling of his boss in his head. It unnerved him and made him feel as if he had secrets that he shouldn't have. Stepping into the room he saw the desk in the middle of the back wall with a lamp on it lit. The chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling and the bookcases were neatly occupied by different sized books. Next to the window on the right wall held all of the cabinets with files in them. The drawers seemed to go on forever when opened. Noticing that the man he was looking for was not in the room told him that he was somewhere else in the mansion.

Sighing, the Observer walked to the red cushioned chair that was in front of the dark colored desk. No matter how many times he had been in this room, it always seemed to amaze him in the beauty of it. While he was taking the scenery in the door quietly opened and closed and the light footsteps were almost nonexistent. 'Still enjoy my office I see.' Cringing at being caught the man looked back to see nothing. Looking in front of him he saw that the once empty chair now had the man he was looking for.

The achromatic white skin shone against the dimly lit room and the black suit and red tie were neat, not a wrinkle on them. "Yeah yeah, now why am I here?" He asked and the faceless demon in front of him shook his head. 'You have been exceeding your limits. You are stepping out of the boundaries of being a proxy.' The Observer gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "I am a demon just like you. I need no boundaries!" He declared and glared defiantly at his boss. 'You are my proxy. You are the one who chose this life. If it weren't for I, you would be buried six feet under. Need I remind you that it was I who saved your pathetic human life. That it was I who you sold your soul to? That it was I who you swore yourself to server for eternity!' The voice boomed inside his head and he snarled.

"It's been four centuries! I have served you loyally for four hundred years! I am tired of being held back. I am tired of killing under your instructions. I am tired of you!" He yelled out and Slenderman stood up with anger radiating in waves off of him. Picking the Observer up by his throat he was thrown harshly against the wall. Tendrils appeared from behind Slenderman's back and grabbed his wrists, ankles, and neck tightly. The feeling of being strangled and pulled apart at the same time earned a weak cry from the Observer. 'You are the one who begged me to save you. You are the one who chose this. You are the one, under my control. I suggest if you wish to live, you will remember that.' Letting go the man fell and breathed in the needed air. 'Because of your rashness and this incident, you are no longer head proxy. Now get out of my sight before I demote you to groundskeeper.'

Sending a harsh glare he rubbing his neck and walked out of the office. Hatred and anger were swimming in his eyes as he growled. "How dare he. I have served him long enough." Exiting the mansion door he noticed one of the human proxies outside sharpening his hatchet. All reasonable thoughts were diminished as a sickening smirk grew on his face. Knowing that this one couldn't feel pain, he took the hatchet that was behind him and silently raised it up. The ticking man only had enough time to see the hatched coming towards his face as the sound of the hatchet coming in contact with his skull echoed. Removing the hatchet from the boy's face he noticed that the goggles had been split in half and were now on the ground next to the body.

The honey colored eyes were slowly dimming and his pale, almost light gray skin was becoming cold. Dropping the hatchet next to the body he walked away. "Obsecro ut me agam cum diabolo." He chanted just in time to see his boss hold the body of his now dead proxy in his arms. Looking to the Observer who had a sick and twisted smile on his face he stepped into the portal and disappeared from his sight. Seeing that he was in some kind of wooded area with a dock nearby, he disappeared into the shadows. 'Now, I am free.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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