"Arsen. Is this my future daughter in law?" She asked him smiling at me.

"Mom." He whined embarrassed.

"Shush up. You kept her away from me so long. Come here child and give me a hug." She said stretching her arms out towards me.

I welcomed her motherly embrace and hugged her. She pulled back and looked at me. "You are absolutely gorgeous. My son is a lucky one." She said complimenting me.

"Thank you ma'am." I said to her, causing her to frown.

"Call me Elaine darling." She said.

I smiled and nodded before wishing her a happy birthday and handing her a gift. Arsen and I had gotten her a pair of earrings that we chose our together.

"You shouldn't have." She said looking towards the gift.

"Nonsense." I said pushing the gift into her arms.

She accepted the gift and bid her goodbyes before walking towards Macy and Matthew.

"Oh by the way Grace, good luck today." She said winking at me.

Taking a deep breath I calmed my nerves before Arsen pulled me to his side.

"You'll do great." He said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

He pulled me towards the stage before walking up there. Elaine and I stood to the side while Arsen took a stand at the podium.

"Good evening everyone." Arsen said grabbing everyone's attention.

"First, I would like to wish my beautiful mother a Happy Birthday." Arsen said pointing to his mother.

She smiled and waved at the crowd as they cheered.

"Secondly, I would like to introduce a very important person to you all." Arsen said looking towards me.

I looked towards the crowd and caught Macy's eye who gave me a big thumbs up. I smiled nervously at her before turning towards Arsen.

"Everyone, please welcome my mate and your Luna, Grace Anderson!" Arsen said before the crowd erupted in cheers in celebration of their new Luna.

I met Arsen at the podium and waved towards the crowd smiling.

"I'm more than proud and happy to be the Luna of the pack, and I promise to protect and run this pack with whatever I have." I said sincerely before the crowd once broke out in cheers.

"Thank you all for coming! Enjoy the rest of the night!" Arsen said before walking off the podium with me.

"I'm so proud of you." Arsen said pecking my lips.

"Thank you Arsen." I said looking into his eyes.

I knew at this point that I was falling in love with this man, or maybe I was already in love with him. All I knew was that he made the happiest person in the world.

Arsen pecked my lips again before telling me he'd get us some drinks.

He walked off towards the drinks table while I stood to the side looking around the hall.

People stood chatting, couples were dancing, and children were laughing amongst each other.

I smiled.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned to see a unknown man in a suit. He had a scar on his face and set of an unsettling feeling within me.

He smiled at me before introducing himself. "Alpha Sean, nice to meet you Miss. Luna." He said pushing his hand out towards me.

So this was Alpha Sean. The manipulative and creepy one.

I accepted his hand and shook it quickly before pulling back my hand.

"So you're the famous mate that Arsen is crazy about. Enough to reject my daughter." He said looking me up and down.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"Oh nothing. Just tell me one thing Grace, how can you live knowing that you're with the man who killed your family?" He asked causing me to take a deep breath.

"That's none of your business." I snapped getting angry.

"Well let me tell you something. Arsen ripped your family into shreds. In fact he even asked for my help. He planned it all before hand. He took my best men, including me, and did the damage. And now, you have no family." He said shaking around the wine in his glass, smirking at me.

I felt suffocated in the room. Arsen never said it was planned. Did he lie to me?

No Grace. Arsen wouldn't lie to you.

I needed fresh air.

Before I knew it, I was pushing past people in the crowd and began walking quickly towards the exit. I made it outside and walked to the side of the hotel where there was a small fountain.

I took a seat on the ground before erupting in tears.

Was I a traitor?

Was I betraying my family by being with Arsen?

Arsen was tricked. He never intended to do this. He showed regret and remorse for attacking my pack. He never mentioned who was the one that killed my family.

Why was I letting Alpha Sean's words get to me?

I believe and trust Arsen.

I know in my heart that even in these circumstances, that my family would want me happy.

And with Arsen, I was more than happy.

It's because you love him.

I love Arsen.

And I intend to tell him that tonight.

Picking myself off from the cold ground, I wiped my tears and began walking towards the hotel again. But before I could take another step, someone pressed a cloth to my mouth while I felt a sharp pain on my arm. I felt myself being dragged while I tried to kick the person who was dragging me

I could feel myself losing control over my actions, and I could barely let out a scream before the darkness consumed me.


Ugh who else hates Alpha Sean?

I know I do!

Anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Also I have a question.

Who's your favorite character?

Till next time!

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