The Ladder

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With my feet scraping the floor I walk with no destination in mind. My thoughts are racing, slower than usual but still pretty fast. it should be a bright and sunny day but all I see is grey and all I feel is pain, life hasn't been good to me but these past few days has been the worst yet. I desperately try to think of other things to help with the pain but nothing works. Even though I sense people walking around me I hardly notice them, it's just me and my thoughts which from past experience I know can be dangerous. I really dont remember when these dark thoughts started filling my head, thoughts of self destruction has withered my mind and it hurts like hell. All i know is that i desperately need relief, I stop in front of this bright green ladder and all I could think of was that I HAD to climb it, the ladder would lead me to the escape I desperately needed, I reach out and grab the ladder and slowly start climbing. The metal bars are cold under my hands despite the hot sunny day, the wind blowing through my hair is almost unnoticeable as all I could think of was this ladder. As I climb the thoughts return and are faster than ever, all the self hate and pain returning makes me climb faster to reach my sweet relief. I finally reach the top of what appears to be a crane and looking down reveals a construction site. the dark thoughts are so loud and they never stop but this time it seems like my head would explode, I hold my head and realise my hands are shaking, within my thoughts I could hear a faint voice. My own, crying for help.

"Help me"

I stand on the edge of the crane.


I hold out my arms.

"Make it stop"

I throw my self off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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