"I know t-that it's just practice,but still..."

Your leg moved out between his legs and you fully turned to make him face you. Your arms still around his waist.

"Kou." You said smiling at him.

He smiled back, but that quickly changed when he suddenly felt a stinging sensation on his left hip.

"OW!" He yelped, "Why did you pinch me (Y/N-chan)!"

You suddenly grab the collar of his shirt, hair covering your eyes.

Then you smashed your lips against his. His eyes become huge before he responded back.

You pulled back abruptly and looked at him with a menacing glare.

Bokuto shrunk in fear, his eyes widened

You leaned closer to him again, placing your lips up to his ear.

"Kou-chan~" you said like you did the first time. He let out a small squeak as an answer.

You smiled sweetly, laughing slightly.

Your slight laugh turned into bubbles of laughter. Soon Bokuto joined as well. Both of you laughing out loud.

The whole team soon heard the commotion and turned to look at the scene before them.

Bokuto at this point was feeling better now than he was before. That was, until he grab his chin with a tight grip.
He was startled by the action.

You pressed your teeth together and looked at his with the same glare as before.

"Get. Back. To. Practice."

He stood up straight and ran back, in fear, to the court.

You turned around and saw the whole team looking at you.
You shot them the same glare and they all shivered and avoided eye contact from you. Except Akaashi.

Akaashi gave you a nod saying that you did a good job.

You nodded back, before going to your position from before.

Bokuto may be a simpleton, pretty much all the time, but you honestly loved him, just as he did you.

You looked at him to see him back to his normal self.

You sighed for the last time, but this time it was more of relaxed one.
You put your hands on your waist as you watched him spike a ball.

He shouted with joy and threw his fist into the air.
He looked over at you ran toward you and picked you up by the waist and spun you around.

You laughed as he pressed kisses all over your face.

"Kou-chan put me down!" You giggled as he set you on the ground.

After a few more spins, he finally set you down.

"I'm sorry for, you know, 'doing' that earlier." You said looking off to the side, feeling a little bit of guilt crawling up.

He just gave you a big grin and kissed the tip of your nose. "You were just doing your job" Then he mumbled, " Like always." You chuckled.

"Well, I gotta go and help finish cleaning up." He waved and blew you a kiss.

You slightly twitched your eyebrow, because he knew that you hated it when he did things like that.

"How did you two actually get together again?" One of the managers asked.

You looked over to her then back at Bokuto, who was talking to Akaashi about how "great" he was today, forgetting what "just" happened 5 minutes ago.

"I honestly don't know." You said, keeping your eyes trained on him.

"I guess I'm a sucker for simpletons."
You shrugged your shoulders, your mouth forming into a small smile.

Finished: Monday, Aug,15 9:58 AM
I told you these will be slow updates.
Ah RIP me.

Up next: Kuroo x reader (*≧▽≦)

Monday, August, 15 10:20 AM

I'm so nervous!
This is my first story in two years!
I hope it's good.
Please tell me what you think and if you want to give me some tips on how to improve better, message me privately or contact me on Insta.

Insta: sinnamonrxllmention a user

Ugh it bugs me that I used, not including the summaries and right now, 1001 words.

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