Violet Andre Webb was her name. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her long legs, a blue domo-character shirt that complimented her curvy figure and a pair of black customized Vans.

She was just like any other normal girl but to most of us here in Stratford Secondary, she was the most annoying, stuck up geek ever known to the teenage population. She constantly wore casual jeans, sneakers and cartoon shirts along with those huge nerdy glasses.

Okay, I have to admit, I've worn those glasses about once or twice but that was just for style. This girl actually wears those pairs for actual eye sight. I hope she realizes her style does not fit in with the 21st Century anymore. Kidding, I couldn't care less.

It gets worst when I have to see her at every class since we had every subject together. All the teachers, as well as the other staff facilitators, were in love with her. She participated in all the school's extra curricular activities and always answered to the questions in class. Even before the question could be asked, she's already got the answer to them. Let's just say she's one annoyingly 'bright' student.

Most of us at school were annoyed with her because she was such a Ms-Know-It-All.

Just as I shut my locker close, Jev, my teammate from hockey, came up to me and the two of us exchanged handshakes.

"Did you do the assignment for Computer class?" he asked me.

"Dude, I just got here. Can we not talk about homework for one minute?" I groaned and leaned against my locker.

He just laughs. "No, but seriously, did you do it?"

"You're kidding me right? We had homework?"

"Word! Mr. Pearson is going to kill you. He said he was grading it 20% of our yearly report."

"I'm fucked. You have to let me copy yours."

"No way! He's going to figure out you copied off from my work. Nothing escapes Mr. Pearson."

"And that's why we don't act like obnoxious pop-stars who think they can get everything they want, whenever they want. You can't pay people to grade your papers." Violet whispered under her breath but it was loud enough for me to hear.

"Excuse me? I don't believe you were invited into this conversation." I hissed and gave a death glare towards her direction.

"I don't believe I was talking to you either." She retaliated.

"So you're crazy now, talking to mid air?"

"And you're crazy now listening to things in mid air?"

Damn it. She got me there.

The bell rang and before I could come up with another snarky comment, Violet had disappeared into the crowd of students in the hallway. I walked with Jev into Computer class where most of the students had already settled down. Mr. Pearson was sitting behind his desk, not bothering to keep the noisy classroom in order.

When Jev and I took our places, Mr. Pearson got up from his seat and began the class.

"You all must have had an enjoyable weekend I assume." He said. Most of the class rolled their eyes and didn't bother replying to him.

A loud knock erupted from the door, drifting our eyes to the person who was standing there.

"Ms. Webb, why are you late?" Mr. Pearson questioned Violet.

"I'm sorry. Principal Edwards made me get these from the office.It's for you." She replied and handed him over some papers.

"Ah, thank you very much. You may take your seat."

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