First date?

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The next morning you wake up to Cherry on top of you screaming. "(Y/n) get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!" You sit up and rub your eyes. "What Cherry?" You yawn. "You gotta get ready for Ponyboy!" "Wait wha-" you were still half asleep and cherry picked you up and threw you into a chair in her room. You look at the clock. "Cherry 5:00am? You couldn't have at least waited until 6:00am?" "(Y/n) you gotta look your best for pony." She sits down in the other chair. "Pony, oh my gosh. I totally forgot!" "That's what I was tellin' you. Do you even listen?" "Cherry I was half asleep for gods sake!" Cherry laughs. "So where did he want you two to meet up anyways?" "Well he said to meet him at the drive-in and the rest is a surprise." "(Y/n) you better have the best day." She laughs. "Wait, I have an idea." She exclaims, "How about I hang out with Johnny for the day. Not as a date of course but we'll follow you around and see how it goes." She says. "That sounds a little creepy if you ask me." We both laugh.

A couple hours pass and you're all ready. "Cherry what are you gonna do all day if I'm with Ponyboy?" You ask her. "Well I guess I'll go with Bob." "Cherry I told you, you gotta stop hangin' out with Bob. He's a bad influence and he's a jerk." "I know, but he won't let me go. I tell him were done and he just laughs. We'll be done one day." She sighs. "Well, have fun!" She smiles and shoves you out the door. She slams it in your face. "Okay." You laugh.

You arrive at the theatre and see pony boy leaning against the wall smokin' a cigarette. "Hey pony." You smile. "Good grief (y/n) I've been waitin' here for hours!" Your face goes blank. Were you suppose to be here earlier? He nudges your shoulder "I'm just kiddin' with ya." You both laugh. "So where are we goin' anyway pony?" You ask. "You'll see."He winks and takes your hand. You blush and follow him.
It was quite a walk but he says "here we are." What was standing in front of you was a lake. "What are we doin' at the lake, Ponybo-" he pushed you into the water. "Ponyboy Curtis, you. Are. Dead." You yell at him. He takes his shirt off over his head. His abs were perfect. You kept your jaw from dropping and before you knew it, he was in the water. The water was cold but it felt nice in the heat of the summer. His head bobbed up from under the water and he smiled. He was so adorable. You were happy that Pony liked you because honestly you like him. He swims over to you and you splash him. "Hey!" He yells playfully and swims fast to the shallow part of the lake. You follow him. You get closer to him. He knows what you want and you know what he wants. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you in so your body is touching his. You look up at him. He bites his bottom lip. That's one thing you love that guys do, it makes you weak at the knees. Your heart starts beating faster and harder. You can hear it. Pony leans in and your lips touch gently. You kiss him back. He was so gentle but playful. You are so in sync, it's like you were meant to be. It was like it was only you and Ponyboy. No worries in the world, no socs, no annoying friends, no sounds except for the sound of your hearts beating. You both slowly pull away. "Ponyboy.." You say looking up at him. "Listen (y/n), I've seen you round' school for a while now and I just.." He sounds nervous, "What is it Ponyboy?" You ask still with your arms around his neck and his around your waist. It was silent for a few seconds, he takes a deep breath and looks in your eyes and says, "I love you, (y/n). I'm in love with you. And I don't know how you're gonna feel about this, but this is how I feel about you and I hope you feel the same way." You're shocked. Is this really happening? "Ponyboy Curtis well I gotta tell you somethin'," You say. "Although I've only really got to know you over the past few days and we've barely hung out, this has been amazing. Every second of it. And I feel the same way Pony. I love you too, Ponyboy Curtis." He smiles and says "Well I guess it really wouldn't bother ya if I did this again." And he pulls you in for another kiss. You're lips crash together just begging to be together again. You and Ponyboy were still standing in the shallow end of the lake. It was like it was only you and him again. You hear faint hollers and then they grow louder. "Pony, what is tha-" you look back at the cliff and see two-bit, Steve, dally, and soda throwing off their clothes and jumping in the lake. They're screamin' and hollerin' and Ponyboy yells "guys did you really have to ruin this." The boys stop thrashing around in the water and look at you. "Oh gee, sorry Ponyboy." Soda says. "Yeah sorry Pony we didn't know you had a girlfriend." Two-bit replies. You instantly blush. They all start to leave and you can hear them teasin' and goin' on about you and Pony. "Sorry bout' that." He laughs. "It's ok.." You smile "but can we get back to where we were?" You say. He smirks and walks you up out of the water to watch the sunset.

The rest of the night went by quickly and before you knew it you were in bed, fast asleep.

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