-9- the nightmare

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Jack's P.O.V
I woke up in the middle of the night. Mark wasn't laying beside me. I got up to look for him. I heard crying in the bathroom. Without thinking I opened the door. It was Mark in the bathtub with the shower on. He was fully dressed. He was crying. I said "m-mark are y-you ok?" Mark looked at me then said "run." His eyes turned black then some kinda black goo came running down his face. I started running. He chased me through the whole house. I knew I was asleep I knew I was dreaming I knew this wasn't real. But. It. Felt. Real. I was trapped in the corner Mark came with a knife and said "this isn't a dream. It's real. And u can't escape. Ur stuck here. Ur going to be dead soon." I started to cry. As he walked towards me with the knife. I started to sob. Harder and harder. Mark finally was Infront of me. I felt him stab me. It hurt. Like it was real. I started to bleed all over. Mark said "don't cry it will all be over soon." he keeps stabbing me. Till I couldn't breathe. Then I felt something consume me. I felt a change in me. I wasn't in control of my body I got up I was different. I wasn't me anymore.

Then. I. Woke. Up.

I was a mess. Tears streaming down my face. Mark woke up and saw me sitting up pulling my hair and crying. Mark sat up and asked "jack what's wrong?" I couldn't answer I could only cry. I felt Mark hug me I couldn't move my stomach hurt. But I managed to hug Mark back. Still. Crying. It was hard to move. It was hard to see. I felt dead. I stopped crying a little. I said "I had a nightmare." I hide my face in marks neck. And stayed like that for awhile. I felt safe. I felt cure. I felt feelings. I fell asleep on Mark. I wish I didn't though.

(A/N SORRY!!! I'm so sorry to make a cliffhanger here. I'm just evil. Mwahahaha don't worry I'll make it up to u. :3 probably not. :) Well hope u still like me for this. Bue bye m8)

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