*** Jewel Jacqueline ***

Start from the beginning

Alpha Jaden hung up, quite disturbed at what his daughter said. He looked around as everyone had been listening in to the call.

The first words out of his Beta's mouth was Andre Raymond Sanders is a freaking rogue. His Head Warrior said I heard that Andre is in the Seattle area.

Alpha Jaden huffed and said that bitch and my daughter live in West Virginia. He looked at Stewart, a Warrior first class and said do me a favor?

Stewart moved away from the wall and said sure. He said go to West Virginia and go see what's happening. I can't help with a picture because I don't have any after she left when Jewel was 10.

JT said look online dad, she must have a picture on a site or something? Alpha Jaden said you look son, send it to Stewart if you find anything.

He looked at Stewart and said don't go alone, if you need to, bring them back here. Stewart nodded and said I'll take Bruno.

Alpha Jaden wrote down the address and phone number and said this is the contact information I have, the phone number was the one that just came up on call display.

Once Stewart left, JT looked on his computer and tried every place he could, but couldn't find her name or picture anywhere. So he did a search on the number and swore as it came up as right there in Wyoming.

He said dad, she has no pictures online, so I tried the number, it says it's in Wyoming, Casper to be exact, maybe you should call her back.

Alpha Jaden grunted and said fine, I'll call. When he tried the number he waited 10 rings before she answered, winded.

He said Jewel, where do you live? She grunted and said Casper Wyoming, why? He snorted and said I have been paying alimony to a bank in Huntington West Virginia.

JJ said no idea why dad, we've never lived there. We've always lived here, from right after we left to now. When she married Andre, he moved in here.

He said give me the address, I'm sending a few warriors out to you. She told him then said good, get them to bring food and diapers, or better yet get them to call me and I can walk them through what to buy.

He said fine, are you okay? What took you so long to answer the phone? She said I'm fine, but have you ever tried to put two sets of twins to sleep, all they want to do is play.

I need to do my online school work too sometime. Doesn't help when they are hungry and I don't have anything but water to give them until I can figure out what's for dinner.

He said don't worry about dinner, feed them what you can, help is on the way. JJ said thanks dad, I just want to give that woman a swift kick in the freaking ass. I've raised these kids since 14. She is too busy working to even see them.

He said Stewart and Bruno will be there in about 5 hours give or take. They will call you when they get close, okay Jewel. She said hey, thanks gotta go, those twins are driving me crazy.

She hung up and everyone laughed. Alpha Jaden called Stewart back in the office to get the real address they are heading to.

Four hours and 10 minutes later JJ got a call. She answered it and Stewart said howdy, I'm Stewart, we are near so don't freak out. JJ said okay, the kids are screaming too much in their room to be let out anyway.

Steward chuckled and ended the call and said go on, she's okay. Bruno grunted and continued to drive. As soon as they parked, JJ came out on the front porch and held the door closed.

Bruno grunted again but this time in disgust as the place was a shack. They got out and he asked are you packed? JJ nodded and said yup and the kids are hungry.

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