Ch.3- "Awe, I wish I cared."

Start from the beginning

"So what song is this?" He asks her.

"Head Games by Foreigner." Nicole answers, without hesitation.

"What's it about?" He asks her, listening to the words.

"This couple keeps fighting and really the guy is just looking for answers, but the girl doesn't wanna give them up. So they fight, and play head games instead of showing each other the love they both deserve." Nicole explains it to him.

"I guess I probably could've figured that out by listening to it." Steve comments and Nicole chuckles.

"It's okay, I love talking about it so I have no objections to the questions." Nicole tells him shaking her head as the song switched.

"So what's this song?" Steve asks her and she answers him. The car ride is silent for a bit until Steve speaks up again. "So what did you do the last three months when you weren't ranting to me?" He asks her. "I realized we never talked about anything other than your kidnapping." He adds, explaining the question.

"Um, mostly training and gaining control of my new abilities. I don't really like using them though. I mean the strength I don't really have a choice, but the telekinesis and element manipulation? Those scare me. I'll use them if I have to, or if I feel it necessary, but... I don't like the way they make me feel." Nicole explains to him. "Sorry, that was probably more than what you wanted to know." She apologizes. "And also for only talking to you when I needed to rant.

"It's alright. I like knowing you trust me enough to tell me how you're feeling. That's an important part of friendship, right?" He asks her.

"Right." Nicole responds, a smile on her face.

Shortly after that they are pulling into the parking garage. They step into the elevator and head to the conference room.

"Fury, what the hell is going on? I walked passed the people in the hallway and they looked terrified." Nicole asks him as they enter and she takes a seat at the table next to Natasha, Steve sitting next to Nicole. Fury begins explaining the case at hand and once they were filled in everyone was moving and getting on a jet to fly to Germany.


"We don't know what to expect when we get there, so I'm going to jump first. Nicole, you wait until there's a good opportunity and then jump." Steve instructs.

"I assume you're going first because you have the shield?" Nicole asks with a knowing smirk.

"Pretty much, wouldn't want you getting hurt would we? We all know what you're like when you're given time off." Steve responds and Nicole playfully slaps his shoulder.

"Haha, very funny." Nicole says sarcastically with a small smile on her face.

"Get ready to jump." Natasha tells them. Nicole looks out the back of the jet as the door opens.

"Captain, you have to go. Like now." Nicole informs him. "Look." Nicole says pointing. He looks to where she's pointing and he wastes no time in jumping of the jet and landing on the ground just in time to block an elderly man from being hit with a ray from his scepter. People start to disperse and Nicole jumps after him.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else... we ended up disagreeing." Steve says, though Nicole only heard part of it.

"Damn Hitler.." Nicole mutters in anger, standing behind Steve.

"The soldier. The man out of time." Loki responds, not having heard what Nicole said.

"He's not the one who's out of time." Nicole tells him, sass in her tone as the jet comes to hover over them

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Natasha orders him. He shoots a ray from the scepter at the jet which she avoids. Captain America then throws his shield at Loki while Nicole ushers the people away from them. Once everyone is clear Nicole watches as Loki and Captain America fight. Loki tries hitting him with the staff multiple times before he finally hits him and Captain America flies backwards.

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