51- Facts

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Wattpad was acting dumb and didn't upload my facts!
*re-upload *

@taepls and @jungcock-

I...finally Dab.
@taepls and jungcock-
-__- they've been wanting me to dab..

Heres some facts about, yours truly, me, Suga (; .

1) I'm a sensitive person but doesn't express it.

2) I attended to a all boys highschool.

3)I doesn't like taking my makeup off at night bc i be tired and lazy.

4)I want Kookie to be more confident in him self.

5) My parents once threw away all of my songs so I can focus on my studies.

6) I want to be a good husband and father.

7) My legs worth a million beches.

8) I threw away Jimin lyrics, he can't write songs for shiz-

9)I'm to lazy to eat a lot of food.

10) I like somebody who enjoy music, especially hip - hop and carries around fancy headphones.

11) I once lick a bath bomb to see how it taste, I regret it.

12) I focus on personality and attitude rather than looks or gender.

13) if you try to come for me, well binch we have a problem *sips tea*

14)My fav color is white.

15) I'm not not a picky eater.

16) I'm not a morning person.

17) I was part of a student council in highschool.

18) I have to think for awhile before I tweet.

19) I love watching cooking battles.

20) I had surgery on my appendix in 2013.

Here's your Suga Grandpa facts.
If you know some....O.O hOW

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