The Asylum

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YES!!! Another chapter. God is great!!! ;) Bwahahaha!!! Enjoy my friends!!!


Eternally yours,



Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep. Darkness surrounded my eyes, clouding my vision. Where am I? Memories flooded my mind like a never ending movie. Occupying every corner of my conscience. One thought: Katherine. 

With her in mind, I opened my eyes. 

Lights. My eyes were blinded for a few seconds. Blinking repeatedly, I scanned the room. An empty chair occupied the far left corner, a mirror the size of half the wall was across from my bed, and the furniture was all white, from the floor to the ceiling. I tried to stand but was pulled down by a little tug.

Glancing down I noticed I'm hooked up to a heart monitor, and a few other machines.

Where the hell am I?...............Where's Katherine? Oh shit, Baby where are you?

Breathing deeply through my nose, I pull out the needle in my arm and try to stand up. Falling to the ground, I grip the bed and lift myself up. Whatever those assholes gave me, it screwed me up big time. Finally achieving the art called standing, I tried walking a little bit. Walking to the mirror I finally noticed my clothes: pure white pants, and shirt. They even dressed me?

My eyebrows furrowed together in question. "What the hell is this." I whispered angrily. Feeling like I'm being watched, I froze. Standing still, I looked at the mirror trying to see who was behind it, but of course I only saw myself.

"Where's Katherine?" I yelled at the mirror.

No answer.

"Fuck this" I whispered.

Grabbing the chair I flung it at the mirror making it shatter into little shards., and the chair in little pieces.

"Now do you want to tell me where she is?" I yelled at the two gentlemen behind the glass opening. They watched me in awe.

"That was reinforced glass." Said stupid number one.

"And that's supposed to matter?"

"Yes, it does because that means that we were correct when we picked you. You truly are remarkable. I am Dr. Henry Macintosh." Said an old man that appeared at a door I didn't notice before.

"Where's Katherine?"

"Katherine Lane?" he asked.

I'm so annoyed with this shit. Taking a deep breath through my nose I answered the annoying ass man slowly. "Yes, that Katherine. Now can you take me to her?"

"You only had to ask and I would've taken you to her, you didn't have to break the mirror although it was very entertaining to watch."

"I just did." I asked shaking with anger. I could feel my blood boiling from impatience.

"Follow me." Silently trying to hold in my anger, I tailed Dr. Macintosh who continued to observe me like I was an experiment. Looking into his eyes all I saw were black pits filled with coiling snakes waiting to kill. I don't trust him.

Glancing at my surroundings all I saw was the color white. White vases, white walls, white furniture expensive ones at that. Even the freaking chandelier. Showing me to a door (pure white of course), he opened it and let me in. The first thing I saw was Kat sitting in a rocking chair looking so beautiful in her white clothes.

I ran up to her, lifted her up and scanned her body to make sure nothing was wrong. 

"Kat are you okay?" I asked frantically.

She smiled softly at me. "I'm fine. Are you? It took you longer to wake up."

"No i'm good. Scared the shit out of me though." I smiled at her. She giggled, the most beautiful sound in the world that made my smile go even wider.

I heard a cough behind me. 

"Since, were all here why don't we introduce ourselves. Starting with Lee" Dr. Fuckhead said smiling wickedly. 

Sitting down on the couch, Kat grabbed my hand and gripped it in hers. I looked at her eyes and squeezed her hand silently waiting for the introductions to begin.

First a young man of about twenty-five stood up, his name was Lee. Lee is Korean, about six foot, with spiky hair, grey eyes, and a built body. Overall he was pretty hot if your into men. And was very sweet and held the girl next to him's hand in his. We then learned that she was Natalee, a coworker of his, around twenty-five as well.She had long blonde hair that reached her waist, with bright blue eyes that glowed with fear and determination. Next to them was a younger man of twenty named Ellis. You could tell he was very immature because he was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement and curiosity. I wanted to punch the little turd in his face if he bounced again. Next to him was a little girl who reminded me of a mouse. Her name was Emma. She was only five and had beautiful black curls, and bright chocolate brown eyes. I wanted to squeeze her because she was so adorable. And last was a built African American man named Tank. He was a little under six feet, with muscles and tattoos covering his body, and had just turned the ripe age of thirty. Happy Birthday to him.

After introductions were done, Dr. Macintosh moved a chair to the center of our little semicircle, making a screechy sound as he moved. 

"Ladies and gentlemen,"he began"the reason why you are here today is because each one of you has been chosen to participate in a new program. Project Phoenix. We will develop your bodies so it uses all its potential. You will be able to do things no other human can do. Super strength, speed, the power to bend the elements to your will, the possibilities are endless." Getting excited, he stood up and came up to us til we could practically bathe in his foul breath. " You, my little mice, are the beginning of a new race."

Suddenly the wall across us opens and a flood of white light obscures our vision.

"Welcome to the Asylum"

Death Consumes Usحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن