“Why is that?” She smiled back at him.

“Because I said so.” The tone he was using was getting on my nerves. No one talks to Oakley like that.

“Jason, please move aright. I’ll be home before Mary gets home.”

He looked up at her as if he was trying to tell her something. Come on, it’s 7:30, I have to go already.

“Jason is there something you wish to say to me?” I asked him, a little pissed off.

“Yeah, I don’t want you going out with Oakley, that’s all.” He shook his head.

I smiled to myself.

“I think I will let Oakley be the judge of that, if she doesn’t wish to come out with me tonight, then she can stay here with you guys.” I looked up at Oakley, mentally praying that she would say yes.

“Can we just go Scott; I don’t want to be late.” She muttered.

YES! Take that little kid!  “Is that enough for you Jason?” I smiled down at the pissed off kid.

He huffed and stormed off. What the hell was his problem?

“Everything okay?” I asked her. We walked out her house and I opened the passenger seat door, stepping in, she blushed.

“Thank.” She whispered.

We got to the restaurant after a nice and carefree drive here. I opened the door for her and once again she blushed.

Gosh she was cute. The restaurant was busy. We would be getting our meal any time soon. I looked down at Oakley to see her looking down at herself. She looked beautiful what was she doing?

“Oakley look at me.” I carefully lifted her chin so she was facing me.
“You look stunning tonight. You are the most beautiful girl in the room, don’t you dare think otherwise.”

She smiled nervously, “are you only saying this stuff so you can watch me blush?” I chuckled. That was part of it.


We sat down and ordered some drinks. I found out a lot more about her tonight. She wasn’t just beautiful on the outside, but the inside also. She loved to read and dance. She wasn’t very good at it, but she enjoyed it. That is, when she had spare time. If she had spare time that is. She was always working or doing things around the house.

We finally got our meals and I dug in. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelt our meals. Oakley went to take a sip of water, when she nearly spat it all out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worried.

“Look in the corner.” She whispered.

I looked over and almost chocked on my food.
I made jokes about the two teachers sitting together on a dinner date. She laughed at every single one of them. I loved making her laugh.

It was like music to my ears.

We talked for a little longer, and I paid for the meals. As much as Oakley protested I was not letting her pay, under any circumstances.

We drove home laughing to almost everything. I started singing to every song that came on the radio. I thought I was an amazing singing. To her, maybe not so much.  

We reached her house and I stopped the car turning the engine off. I got out of the car and ran around to open her door for her. She smiled and hopped out gracefully.

I walked her to the door and she looked up at me.

“So Oakley?” I nodded sensing awkwardness.

“This was fun.”

“Wanna do it again next week?” I asked trying to sound confident.

“I would love to.” She smiled showing her white teeth.

This was it; I was supposed to kiss her now. I closed my eyes and lent in, so did she. I could smell her breath, it smelt of the mint lollies we had in the car. I wrapped my arm around her waist. I was just about to kiss her when her body tensed.

“Oakley?” I asked in confusion.   

She didn’t speak, I turned around to see what she was looking back.


Cursing I turned around to Oakley only to block my ears from her desperate scream.


next chapter will be back on the story! :)

claire xxx

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