Tag one

21 1 1

Random facts about moi

1) I love hanging and talking to my friends

2) I love reading

3) I love listening to the rain and thunder

4) I love dogs

5) I dislike outdoor cats

6) I love movies

7) I love listening to music

8) I love animals

9) I love travelling

10) I love lieing on trampolines

11) I dislike writing tags

12) I love bike rides

13) I have a mild phobia of spiders

Questions asked :)

1) if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I would love to move to Brighton or London when I finish school and live with my best friend

2) what is your favorite film
I don't really have a favorite film but I really like the fast and furious series

3) if you had one superpower, what would it be
If I had a superpower I would like to teleport

4) what is your favorite animal
I don't have a favorite animal but I love dogs, baby pandas and baby monkeys

5) what's your favorite colour
I love the colours black, white, burgundy and chance (type of light blue)

6) do like school
Yes and no

7) what's your favorite subject

8) are you an only child
Sadly no, I am not, I have a younger sister, a younger brother and an older brother

9) are you sick of this tag
Yes, yes I am

10) who's your favorite author
I don't really have a favorite but I've just started  a new series called girl online and I'm really enjoying it

11) do you like Harry Potter
Yes I like the movies and will start reading the series soon

12) what's your favorite hobby
My favorite hobby is reading and listening to music

13) do you like TV 
I don't really watch TV, but yes I like TV 

Questions I'm asking

1) what's your favorite Disney/pixel movie (s)

2) what's your favorite colour(s)

3) what's your lucky number

4) favorite book(s)

5) favorite author (s)

6) best friend(s)

7) favorite season (s)

8) favorite country(s)

9) favorite animal (s)

10) favorite song(s)

11) what's your hobby

12) have you left the country

13) favorite thing in the world


The people I tag (mwahahaha)

#1 -Sapphire_Swan-

#2 -Poseidons_Daughter-

#3 Kadipie

Good luck!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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