chapter three:

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I never mean to kill people. I killed someone just to try it.

And after that I was obsessed with it. The blood, the screams, the pleas, what joy!

I love it,
What not to like?

Maybe, just maybe... I should........

No, that's too much,

Sarah/Mary's Mother

I sob myself to sleep now. Marys dead. . I always sob. I never come out my house. I order my food. It's not because I'm lazy. It's because I'm stressed. I can't move sometimes. I think I get headaches..

I sigh.

"If you want, I could let you rest?" Someone asks. I turn around.

"Jane! Did you here? Mary's D-dead" I yell. She nods smirking. Whys she smirking.

"I killed her. Well. Not exactly.. I tortured her." She says shrugging. I think my eyes have 100 Percent rage in them. She smiles.

"Come and get me bitch" she says smiling. I glare.

I run and tackle her. She smirks. She grabs a knife and swipes it across my neck. I can't breathe... I'm choking..
I will... be with. .. Mary...


"I wouldn't let you kill me like that, Sarah." I smirk. Her eyes suddenly shut. I smile.

"By rest, I ment rest in piece." I say. I took of my gloves and shoved them in my pocket. I left the knife. My finger prints are on them.

I woke up and turned on the TV

The news..

"A woman was either killed in her home by someone, or committed suicide. We think she was killed. She was found dead when the police arrive-" I turned off the TV. WHO THE FUCK CALLED THE POLICE? No one knew. . Sarah.. She couldn't of.. what about. . But no one was there?

"Haha I called them.." Some one smirked. I got in a fighting position.

M-ary?" I yelled,
"No, I'm Mary's sister. I'm taking revenge for my mother and sister!" She yelled angrily.
"No one sees this and gets away free!" I yelled. She brings out. . A ....... Gun! Shit! I dodge all the bullets and smirk. I bring my sword out and it cuts her arm. She hissed. She pushes me and I fall. My eyes turn red. I get up and I am really fast so I start punching her. She faints. She's not dead. I put her in the spiky bed thingy. And then I turn it on and Grab a bucket and blood is poured in it. I smile.

The Girl with A KnifeWhere stories live. Discover now