Chapter 18: A Hero Awakens

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To be honest, Mariana doesn't remember a lot from being unconscious.

She barely remembered passing out in Thor's arms in the first place never mind the blissful ignorance that came afterwards. Waking up would be good. Some part of her knew it would be good to wake up, let her family know that yes, she was actually still alive. She could also see for herself that all of them were also still living.

But then she stopped thinking altogether and just let herself sleep.

She could deal with the world some other time.

. . .

"I do not believe this to be good."

These were not terribly comforting words from the God of Thunder.

Pepper - ever the level-headed one - told him it was okay and gave him a large pair of scrubs that she had procured from God-knows-where before pointing to the adjoined bathroom, indicating he should clean himself up.

He did so with a brief nod of thanks.

"She's okay," Natasha stated with confidence. Only Tony seemed acknowledged her.

"Yeah? And how are you so sure?"

"Tony –"

"She has to be," Clint answered for the red-head perched on the end of his bed.

"She's a tough little cookie," Sam added with an attempt at a smile. All he got was a small sigh from Bucky as the man settled back in his bed but didn't look any more comfortable.

"I can hear her breathing through the walls," Daredevil confirmed, "She's still alive. Right now, that is all that has to matter Stark."

. . .

Another hour passed before any word was given on Mariana's condition.

"She'll live," the doctor started with. The same doctor who checked her over the last time she was in medical. Dr Anderson. "She'll be in a lot of pain for a while and will likely require some physical therapy for her leg and possibly her shoulder too as well as at least six weeks off of active duty. She's frankly quite lucky to be alive after such a beating."

"Her right shoulder is dislocated completely this time, not a near miss like several weeks ago. It'll be weak and as I said will possibly require physio. A bullet grazed her right calf as well and while it wasn't a serious wound, it bled for some time and was exposed to a lot of dirt and grime in that forest so we want to watch out for any sign of infection there. She also has a concussion that, to be honest, I'm surprised isn't more severe.

"Outside of that she has two broken ribs and about four more are bruised on top of multiple other minor contusions and defensive wounds." He turned to Clint in particular then. "As her emergency contact I believe it is up to you whether she is to get a room of her own or if you would like her to be moved in here with you and Sergeant Barnes."

"In here," the archer replied without hesitation.

They all knew having her closer would be best for everyone.

They wanted to be there when she woke up this time.

. . .

When Mariana was finally set up in the room and all of the nurses had left, everyone was stuck in a state of wanting to go to her - check for themselves that she was okay - and not wanting to crowd her or break the spell that had fallen on them all.

Together, they seemed to hold their breath until Daredevil - still dressed in his full gear, even with the cowl because only Natasha knew – crossed the room in four long strides, coming to a stop at the side of her bed.

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