Wales' meeting

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I sat in the conference room with Wales- At least I think its Wales, wait it is Wales. Soon after every one had arrived but England, the others hadn't noticed how quirky 'England' was being to them- not greeting them only nodding, not even France noticed.

Germany looked at Wales "vere is dis Prother of yours"

Wales was about to speak when England ran in "Sorry i'm late my alarm didn't go off"

Wales stood up and ran to hug England  "Brother You're here!" his voice was a bit higher then England's was

England hugged back "hey Wales how have you been?"

"I've been good" Wales said breaking the hug and going back to his seat followed by England taking his seat

After that most of the meeting went smoothly till Wales punched France in the face "leave my brother alone you frog"

France held his bloody nose and backed away to where Spain was sat next to the still sleeping Greece.

Germany sighed "France you know your actions have consequences so why do it?"

France looked at Germany "vy do you scold me Germany vy not the England imbostor"

"he is our host and he vas broffoked py you" Germany said boredly

After this the meeting ended and Russia waited till it was me Wales and England were the only ones left before he come over to me but as then punched in the face by Wales "You too Russia stay away for my sister"

Russia backed away suddenly scared "I just wanted to apologize for the last time we met, da"

I looked at Russia "sorry Russia but last time yer spooked de 'ell oyt av me an' me sprog brah'der 'ere is protective loike oyt big brah'der scotland" I hugged England and Wales to my sides round their shoulders happily

Russia left with no further comment. I smiled and grabbed my stuff "let's go to see Allistor, come on Arthur, Dylan you too" with that I dragged them out. We went to see big brother Scotland and prepare for his meeting next time.

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