
As you walk to the water park in your swimsuit, you start to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. You didn't even think of putting something on over your suit because the park is only about five blocks from your house, but you were starting to get cat calls from men along the street. Luckily enough, you could see your friends sitting on and around a bench across the field.

"Hey (y/n), glad you could ma...ke... it..." Karma trailed off as he saw your outfit. You're plaid and skull bikini was attracting more attention then you thought, even from your friends.

"Hey girl, You look amazing!" Rio came over to you, wearing a pink and white stripped bikini. "Thanks~ It was a little embarrassing walking here because people kept staring at me." You clear your throat, looking at Karma as you said that.

"What~? I can't help it when I see two hot girls together!" He laughed, putting his arms around Rio's and your shoulders. You couldn't help but notice how red Rio's face became. "Hey, where's Itona?" You shrug off Karma's arm, looking around for your friend. "He's coming this way," Nagisa said, pointing behind you.

Turning around, your cheeks flare up with heat. His red and black shorts stand out in contrast to his silvery-white hair and pale body. He lifted his hand in a small wave, a button-up shirt draped over his shoulder. "Hi Itona." Nagisa smiled at him as Rio tousled his hair.

"Hey," Itona said, "what's up?" "Nothin much shorty, we were just waiting for you" Karma grabbed your hand and Kayano's hand, heading for the fountain in the middle of the area. "Wait, wait," You shake out of his grasp, "Is Yukiko not coming?"

"She had somethin' to do. Didn't give a second thought to turning us down, so it must have been important." Rio sighs and shakes her head. "Aw man, she woulda had fun. I mean, we are a bunch of 17 year olds playing at a kids water park." You laugh at the situation and look around at all the little ones playing.

"Well, it's hot out, and there isn't really a better choice.." Nagisa smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

Looking at Nagisa with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Kayano edges here way over to one of the water shooters on the edge of the pavement. "You're going to get wet." Itona said, calmly warning the blunette.


Too little too late, Nagisa turns around just in time to be hit in the face with the water. Nagisa splutters as Karma holds his stomach, laughing at the soaking wet boy. "What a way to start it!" The redhead says, and everyone takes off.


Twenty minutes later, everyone was drenched, even Itona, who was just sitting off to the side. "You're right Nagisa, this was a good idea~" You laugh out loud, not paying attention to where you were standing. Not even a moment after you finished talking, Karma tipped a plastic bucket over your head, covering you from head to toe in freezing water.

Laughing at you, Karma looks down from his perch. "Are you okay, (y/n)~?" "Just peachy. But.." You stop for a moment, trying to hide your laughter. "Karma's gonna getcha!" You burst out laughing at your lame pun, and even earn a small chuckle out of the redhead.

"Hey there sexy~"

Some teenaged boy with green and black hair whistled at you, looking you over as the water drips off. You stop laughing and freeze, uncomfortable at the sudden attention.

"As if, pervert!" Rio calls out, her blond hair shining in the sun. "You wanna have some fun too, blondy? Come on over here, I'll show you two a good time~"

"Hey, leave them alone!" Kayano yells at the guy, trying to help, but really just making things worse. "Shut up flatly, your hair dye is dripping!" He sneers at her, getting the reaction he wanted. Kayano looked down at her chest, then at the green dye dripping off the ends of her hair.

"S-some people like f-flat chests... And I just dyed m-my hair.." She mumbles to herself, twisting her locks around her finger.

Karma and Nagisa look at each other and nod. Karma stealthily jumps off the plastic bucket that he used to dump water on you, landing right infront of the teen. Shoving his shoulders, the teen fell backwards, only to be caught by Nagisa. With an innocent smile, he placed his finger right over his jugular, pressing down lightly.

"Itona, wanna join in on this? After all, it was your girl he hit on first~" Karma teased Itona, getting to him just enough.

Walking casually towards the sexist teenager, Itona throws his shirt over your head and back. "Put that on, (y/n)."

Blushing at how serious he was being, you button up the shirt. You were surprised about how far down it reached. Itona was pretty short, so if his shirt reached your thighs, how short did that make you..?

Itona was bent forward over the teen, looking him dead in the eye while Nagisa kept pressing his neck. "If you ever touch them, or do anything to them," he calmly said, "I will find you. And one else will after I'm through."

You looked at Rio and Kayano. The blond was staring at them in shock and amazement. The greenette, on the other had, had a deep blush on her face and was dreamily watching her boyfriend.

Karma picked the teen up by his collar and kicked him, hard, between the legs. "Get out of here."

Turning away from the boy, your friends all walked over to the group of girls. Karma walked straight over to Rio, grabbed her hand, and walked off with her. Nagisa went up to Kayano, kissed her, and instantly looked away in embarrassment.

"U-um... Thank you for... Letting me wear your shirt...and that guy..." You stutter through your thank you, feeling your face heat up.

"You're cold. Let's get you home so you can take a bath." Itona stared blankly at you for a moment, then smiled.

"Um.. How did you know I was cold?" You were confused, unable to figure out how he knew.

"Showing through a swimsuit and my shirt. You're cold." He smirked at you, looking below your face. "Ah!" You cross your arms to cover your chest, earning a chuckle from the boy.

"Did... Did you just laugh?"

You stood up and grabbed your bag, laughing. Itona just blushed a bit, took your bag from your hands, and put it over his shoulders. " C'mon, lets go."


"Karma, why did you bring me here?" Rio and Karma were near the edge of the park, where the grassy fields meet thick trees. "I've got something to ask ya~" The redhead grinned at Rio, leaning against one of the trees.

"Well what is it? If you don't mind, I want to go back and watch Itona and (y/n) being adorable as fuck together." The sassy blond looked at him with sharp eyes.

"Well if it's really that big of a deal, I guess I won't tell you that I like you~"


"Whoops, looks like I just did~!" Karma laughs at his cheap trick, his face turning slightly pink from embarrassment at the confession.

The two just stood there for a few minutes, Karmas confident facade leaving him more every moment. "Look, Nakamu-" He was cut off by a pair of soft, yet glossy and sticky lips pressing against his own.

"I like you too, Karma~"

Itona X Reader; Painting FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now