First Fight

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After Mikey and Seth fell asleep, I decided to talk to Dolph. I walked out of my bedroom and walked to the living room, seeing Dolph was still awake on the couch, watching TV. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile as I walked to the couch and sat down next to him.

"Can we talk?" I asked and Dolph groaned, but muted the TV. "Don't groan at me, you knew it was coming sooner or later."

"Whatever." Dolph mumbled. "What do you want to talk about?"

I crossed my arms across my chest, "Why did you lie to me about Mikey's Lego car?"

"I didn't want to say the real reason." Dolph sighed.

"Well you knew it was going to come out eventually." I sighed. "Now why did you take his car apart?"

Dolph shook his head, "I...I did it because I wanted to push those pieces towards Seth to make it look like he did it and make Mikey like me more than Seth."

"Are you freaking serious?" I shook my head, laughing and standing up. "You're truly unbelievable. You're not going to get Mikey to like you by making him hate Seth. That's so fucked up."

"I know babe, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Dolph said.

"No shit you weren't thinking!" I was getting annoyed and angry with Dolph.

"Babe." Dolph stood up and went to touch my arms, but I stepped back.

"Don't touch me." I pointed to the front door. "I don't want you staying here, leave."

"Where am I supposed to go?" Dolph asked.

"Figure it out." I walked to my bedroom and grabbed Dolph's suitcase before going to him and setting it down in front of him.

"You're being ridiculous right now." Dolph chuckled.

"Me being ridiculous?! You're the one starting all the shit that happened since we got here! We haven't even been here for a full day and you're causing shit!" I exclaimed. I went to talk more, but I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind, chasing me to jump a little and turn to see Seth standing behind me, looking half awake and only in his boxers.

"BK, you're very loud, settle down." Seth said before yawning. "What's going on?"

"I'm out." Dolph grabbed his phone off the couch and walked to my front door with his suitcase.

When Dolph left, I sat on the couch and leaned my elbows on my thighs, holding my face in my hands. I rubbed my face as I felt the couch dip next to me and a hand rubbing on my back.

"You okay?" Seth asked as tears began to fill my eyes. I just shook my head, biting my bottom lip to try and fight back my tears. "B, what happened between you and Dolph?"

I moved my hands from my face and sniffled, "H-He has been acting like a dick all day since the airport to now."

"What have he been doing?" Seth asked as I leaned back against the couch, rubbing my forehead with my hand.

"He's fucking jealous of you and he thinks you're going to steal me away from him. He took apart Mikey's toy to make it look like you did it and Mikey could hate you and start liking him. This all started because of that picture I posted of you and Mikey on my Instagram." I rubbed the tears out of my eyes after my vision began to get watery.

Seth chuckled and shook his head, "What a dick. He's honestly not a good boyfriend if he was doing all that because he was jealous of me taking you." I nodded and sighed, leaning my head down on Seth's shoulder. "Hey uh why don't you go to bed and get some sleep? Today was stressful."

You're Supposed to be my Enemy {Seth Rollins FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now