Hey Gurl Heeeyyyy

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Okay little sexy chica's and... boy-a's? Going to have to google that later...

Anywho, let's begin, shall we? >.<

Q1: What do you look like?

I'm in that picture over to the side sugar ~>

(I'm so fucking weird, I swear)

Q2: How old are you?

I'm super freaking old, I'm older than the dinosaur's, than Vampire's to aliens - because I am super freaking big and I am at the terrible age of fifteen.

Q3: Think of Harry Styles and you together... Now listen to the song Hokey Pokey. How do you feel?

I feel like I should be eating bacon something - and have some tea. I feel like tea - oh, and honey comb. Holy shit honey comb is the best thing you will ever eat three am in the morning. I swear to go o-o

Oh and - umm... Harry Styles... I guess.... 


Okay, I just imagined Harry Styles saying, "Have some honey comb" and rubbing that shit on his three nipples - well, I'm scarred for life and won't ever eat honey comb every again.

Q4: If you were an owl and you met a handsome unicorn named Eddie Oldn' swagger, would you marry him? What kind of babies would you have? Do find this question awkwardly disturbing?

Why the hell not? He's a unicorn XD

Umm... I don't know - adoptions a choice I guess.

Annnnddd nope.


Strap to pieces of pizza to you feet and walk around with marshmallows stuck to ya self, you'll be awesome sweet heart - to awesome for anyone to handle.


Honestly, I steal them from my neighbour when they aren't paying attention and I'm over, since my mum has banned me from having Oreo's and Poptarts because they're 'bad for you'. *rolls eyes*

Q7: If you could live anywhere in the world except English, Australia and France, where would it be and why?

Venice, it's a beautiful city and it's floating on water - oh, and haven't you heard? The statues come alive *says dreamily*.

Q8:How do you feel about My Chemical Romance's break up?

You do realize I cried for an entire day when my dad burst through the door, two in the morning to tell me they broke up - right? The awesome mofo's broke up... oh god.... I need a minute.... Hey, Pewds is screaming his head off again *chuckles evilly*.

Q9: What was the weirdest dream you had ever had involving One Direction? 

Brah, you just opened so many cans of worms this isn't even funny... well... umm... last night's dream I had about them was that I was sleeping right, in my bed (SLEEPCEPTION) and I woke up to find myself in a factory in Ireland that made robots, and Mister Horan was sitting next to the bed and asked me for help.

Of course I told him, "Give me Nacho's and we have a deal" and he did - so we went to go and save the other boys while making our way through the evil robot factory, but somewhere along the way he went missing and it kinda ended with me yelling at an Oreo-looking robot and running into a wall... that's when I woke up to my MCR alarm clock.... yep, not weird - just normal really. But that's the latest one.


I do XD It is freaking awesome XD

Q11: Rose Tyler or Amy Pond?

Pfft, Rose Tyler you idjit. Rose always wins.

Q12: Do you suffer from this disease? It's contagious... AWESOMENESS???!!!

Umm... nope. Though let me go hug and lick someone's cheek who has this disease and let's see what happens.

Q13: Do you watch How I Met Your Mother? If so, who's your favorite character? Barney 'Bro' Stinson's mine. He's a legen - wait for it....

Mine will have to be Barney too - oh, or Lily! She's freaking awesome XD

Q14: Who was/were your favourite companion/s?  (Doctor Who)

Rose Tyler, Maratha - DONNA and Captain Jack Harkness ;)

Q15: What would you do if you found out Larry Stylinson was real? -DARY!

Umm... probably eat some toast and drink some tea *shrugs*. Honestly, if it was real or anything like that going on with 1D, I wouldn't care. If they're happy, I'm happy. Soo.... go with the flow bro's, date girls, boys - don't date animals 'cause that's bestiality children. And that's illegal. 

Q16: Would you rather marry a carrot or a fence?

Fence... I guess LO

Q17: If you ever kidnap David Tennant, magically make yourself older and brainwash him to propose to you... can I come to the wedding?

Honey, I don't need to brain wash him into proposing to me, I'm his kidnapper. He'll do anything to keep that hair of his on his head >.< And of course you can - just bring me a cut out of Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston and you can be the maid of honor.

Q18: What is your sexual orientation?







Haha, I can do this all day XD

I'm straight just to clarify anything, but, I am what people (this is what my friend's came up with btw - so this is their words, not mine) a Demi-sexual, meaning I can't be in a relationship with someone unless I know them well enough.

Which is true I guess - but I still think of the kissing thing as a transition of cooties, which is real by the way - it's just called STD's outside of the childhood thingie.

Q19: Andy Biersack, Kelling Quinn or Harry Styles. Fuck one, marry one, be best friends with one.

Harry Styles will be my beloved, because first off - he isn't married or has a kid like Kellin, and he's closer to my age and not a Tree Man compared to what Andy would be like because I'm a short mother fucker. Kellin will be my best friend.... well, I guess Andy and I are going to have a one night stand.

Sooooooo, yeah :P

Leave your questions in the comments thingie below, lot's of jiggly puffs, Caitlin xx

Thing's You Don't Know About Me / Q&A / My Random RamblesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora