Chapter 18.

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***Bellamy's POV***

After last night, nobody really talked to each other. We all got up today and pack our stuff. Well all is in Raven, Clarke, Octavia, Lincoln, Kane, and Abby. We are going to Tondc so they can burn Finn's body.

We're walking together. Lexa and a couple of her guards are leading the group, pulling a wagon with Finn's body and Raven is sitting with him. Clarke is leading our group followed by me and then the rest.

Clarke has been acting really weird. She keeps staring into the wood as if someone is there following us. I walk up to her, "Hey." I say.

"You doing alright?" I ask her.

She nods her head. "Yeah."

"You did the right thing." I say.

"Yeah but now I have to live with it." She says to me. I nod my head. "You still think the truce is a bad idea." She states.

"I think we're wasting time with politics while our friends are stuck in Mount Weather." I say.

"We need their army to get into Mount Weather and you know it." She says to me.

I sigh. "Their army has been getting their ass kicked forever. What we need is and inside man. Someone who can be our eyes and ears."

"Forget it. It's too dangerous."

"Clarke, if you can make it out, I can make it in."

"I said no." She says to me.

I sigh. "Since I don't take orders from you, I'm going to need a better reason."

She looks at me. "I can't loose you too, okay?"

I sigh and nod my head. We continue walking in silence. We walk for hours. Nobody really talks. The Grounders talk in their language so we can't understand them.

Night falls and everybody sets up camp. The Grounders are all on one side and everybody from the Ark is on the other. Well everybody but Clarke. She is in the middle. I walk over to her. "It's safer on our side." I say to her hoping she will move. She doesn't.

"We need to trust them Bellamy." She says to me. "There are no more sides." I nod my head and walk around her to set up my blanket. I put myself closer to the Grounders and in front of her.

Everybody tries to sleep. I highly doubt anybody did. When morning comes we all start walking again. We walk for a few hours until we come to a sign. The commander jumps off her horse and her guard comes over to us. He is carrying a crate. "Weapons." He says to us.

Lincoln is the first to move. He hands over his gun and knives. "We need to disarm before we enter." He says to us.

He comes to me next and I put my weapons in. He then moves on to other people. Raven has a gun, two knives on her straps of her back pack, one knife strapped to her thigh and another knife in her backpack.

Once we're all disarmed we go into Tondc. We we enter people start yelling in their language. They are furious. One of the guys gets in the commanders face and starts yelling. I can't understand him but he is pissed. Lexa says something and her guard starts beating the crap out of the guy.

Clarke steps forward and asks Lexa to stop it. She does. "Warm welcome." I say to nobody in particular.

A little over an hour later and everybody is gathered in the center of Tondc. All of the bodies that Finn killed are wrapped and stacked around a huge pile of wood. Finn's body is on top. Lexa starts yelling something to her people that we don't understand.

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