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"I have a question for you Drew." Justin said looking at me.
"Shoot" I said.

"I was wondering if you would sing company with me. Right here, right now." He have me a smile.
I froze for a minute Justin Bieber wants to sing with me?! WHAT!
I kept cool I didn't want to think I was overly excited. I mean don't get me wrong I was but I wanted to seem cool.
"Uhh yeah!" I said. Justin laughed as the rest of the crowd as well.

"And we'll be able to watch The Duet after the break." Ellen said.

"And we're clear" one on the workers yelled.

"Justin, Drew come on over to the stage so we can warm you and do a sound check" another worker said.

I got up and walked over to the stage and there was a singing coach there on the piano. Justin and I did warm ups together.
We both sat on stools next to each other and did mic check. It was so different then anything I have even done.
I was nervous and scared. What if I messed up? What if I made a fool of my self. I think Justin noticed I was nervous.

"You're gonna do fine, I'll be here with you." Justin said

"Thanks Justin I needed to hear that" we both smiled at each other then we heard.
"And we are back. Before the break Drww agreed to do a duet with Justin, so with out further ado here is Justin and Drew singing company!" And the crowd went nuts. I took one last deep breath before the music started.
Justin started singing.
Can we-we keep keep each other company ohhhh.
And I sang the next part.
Maybe wee can we be each other's company oh company
Let's set each other's lonely nights
Be each other's paradise
Need a picture for my frame
Someone to share my ring.
Justin and I kept going back and forth and some of the song we were singing together. And it was so amazing, the way we sounded together was under scribal
Justin and I had such chemistry together that it just felt so right to sing with him.
What's the song was over just and I gave each other a hug and the crowd was going crazy and we both give each other a smile and then Ellen walked over to greet us.

"Oh my God that was amazing!" Ellen said.
"Come on back to the chairs and well rap this up." Ellen said to us.
We both nodded and walked back to the couch,and this time Justin sat closer to me than last time.
"So Justin as soon as Drew started singing what did you think?"
"When she started singing I couldn't help it I was so amazed at her voice" Justin said and I felt butterflies in my stomach When he said that.
Then on the screen behind us was a picture of Justin with his jaw down to the floor.
"That's when drew started singing" Ellen said.
" no body would let me watch the video of the cover? They said I had to wait to hear you live. Your a great singer Drew." Justin confessed.
I felt my cheeks burn. Justin Bieber made me blush.
"That's all we have time for today, make sure to check out Justin's new song and Andrew on YouTube!" Ellen said closing the show.
"That's a rap guys" the manager said.
Justin and I walked back to the dressing room together.
" you know I did think you were amazing out there" Justin said handing me a water bottle.
"Thanks" I said for the water.
"You were great too, it's so different from singing in my bedroom by myself to singing in front of a huge crowd" I laughed and so did Justin.

There was a moment of silence for a minutes and then Justin spoke again.
"What you doing the rest of the day?" He asked.

"Oh I got a date" I said.
"Oh" he sounds upset.

"With Netflix" I said taking a sip of water.
Justin laughed hysterically
"Come hang out with me I've got the rest of day off and was gonna run some beats and stuff" he said.
"I'd love too" I gave him a smile.
"Sweet? Let's go say goodbye and we can leave. Cool?" He asked.
"Cool with me" I said back
He gave me a smile and we walked out to say bye.
I can't believe Justin wants to hang out. With me!? This has to be a prank.
I texted my roommate and told him not to wait up and that I'll talk to him about Eveything when I get home.

We said our good byes and I walked with Justin to the car. He opened the door for me and I climbed in and he did after.
Justin told the driver to go back
To his house. And I just sat there still in shocked that I was hanging out with Justin and now going to his house.
I jumped out of the car behind Justin and followed him inside.
"Thanks Micky I'll see you tomorrow" Justin said to his guard.
He nodded his head and left it was just Justin and I now.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving" Justin said and it made me laugh.

"Yeah I only ate a apple back stage" Justin laughed at me.

"Wanna make pizza?" He asked
"Yeah dude it's the best" he said.
"I'm game. What kind of stuff you got." I asked and he went to the pantry to get ingredients.
He pulled out the cheese the sauce. And peppers and pepperoni from the fridge

"Do you put pineapple on your pizza?" He asked.

"Gross no. It is not a pizza if you put pineapple on it." I said and we both started laughing
"Thank god! Those are the type of people you can't trust!" Justin said

Yay chapter 2 enjoy and comment! I'm curious to see if you like the story so far


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