Chapter 14: Switching

Start from the beginning

"Really it's ok." Dipper interrupts.

"Yeah we can watch movies in the living room all night." I add in. We walk away from Soos and into the said room.

"I'll make the popcorn while you pick out the movie......I can trust you enough not to choose a lame girly romance movie, can't I?" Dipper asks.

"Oh yeah, totally. I mean I am down here instead of up at the sleepover." I answer.

"Right." He leaves to get the snakes. I kneel down and look through the movies.

"Oh no way. This movie just came out. How did Grunkle Stan get it. I have been dying to see it. He he. I also know that Dipper would love to see this." I say quietly.

"Yep. Got the snacks?" I ask, popping the 'p'.

"Yep." He repeats my action.

"Sooooo, are you gonna tell me the movie?"

"Nope. You are gonna have to wait. I want to wait till it is really late." I answer.

"Am I gonna like it?" He asks.

"Nope......" I start. He pouts a little bit, which makes my heart beat faster than before. "You are gonna LOVE it." I finish. His face brightens up.

"Ok so what are we watching first?" He asks.

"Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!" I answer.

"Ok, but you know that these movies are lame."

"It's better than being in a room with 3 squealing girls and a pig, who is trapped up there with them." I inform. He nods agreeing with me.

~Time skip 3 hours~

We have gone through so many cruddy Gravity Falls movies. Noe it is time for the special movie.

"Are you still awake?" I ask Dipper.

He replies with a soft 'mhmm' as he curls up to the side of the chair we are sitting in. I smirk and slowly get up to put in the DVD. I then softly walk back to the chair, without waking up Dipper. I play the movie, and after about three minutes into the movie you hear all these high-pitched screams and then a guy screams. That goes into the theme song. At this Dipper has woken up. "Is that Ghostbusters I hear?" He asks, still a little groggy.

"Yes......the new one." I answer.

"Aww sweet." He says, sitting up straight. About halfway through the movie, I start to get a little tired. I try to stay awake but I just can't help myself. I lean to my left and fall asleep.

Dipper's P.O.V

I feel a weight on my right shoulder. I look over and see (Y/n) asleep. I smile at the sight and lean my head on hers. Soon after the movie ended, I too fell asleep.

~ Time skip to morning~

Mabel's P.O.V

I woke up in a state of confusion. My hair is messed up. "Ugh...what happened last night? Woah! I exclaim as I see Candy duct tapped to the celling.

"What's up party gurl?" She asks.

Before I can answer, Grenda came out of the closet with lipstick all over her face. "I don't know what I was kissing in there, but I have no regrets!" She yells.

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