Chapter 5: Ghosts

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Dipper's P.O.V

(Y/n), Mabel and I are in the gift shop with Soos and Wendy. Mabel is spinning on a globe, (Y/n) is sitting on the counter. Soos is working and Wendy is sitting back in her chair reading a magazine.

"Mabel, (Y/n) do you believe in ghosts?" I ask while looking at the journal.

"I believe you're a big dork! Ha, ha, ha!" Mabel says. I put the pencil against fthe globe, making her fall off. (Y/n) giggles 'Man her giggle is so freaking adorable.' I think. 'Wait I still don't know her well. I mean I've known her for about a week but that's it.'

Stan walks in from outside. "Soos! Wendy! (Y/n)!" He yells. Soos gets up and runs to him. Wendy follows slowly.

"What's up, Mr. Pines!"

"I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?"

"Yes, sir." Soos says and salutes.

"Absolutely not!" Wendy replies nonchalantly.

"Ha ha! You stay out of trouble!" Stan adds then leaves.

(Y/n) walks over to a curtain. "Hey guys! What's this?" She moves the curtain showing......

"A secret ladder to the roof!" Wendy responds.

"Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that." Soos says freaking out.

"Huh?" Wendy mocks him by holding her hand out towards the ladder.

"Uhhhhhh." Soos freaks out.

"Huh?" (Y/n) starts in on it too.

"You're freaking me out, dudes!" Soos yells.

"Can we actually go up there?" I ask.

"Sure we can! Roof time! Roof time!" Wendy starts to chant.

"Roof time! Roof time!" All of us except Soos continue to chant. We climb up the ladder and over to Wendy's spot.

"Alright, check it out!" She says.

"Did you put all this stuff here?" I ask.

"I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, every day." She says. She picks up a pinecone from the bucket and hits a target on a totem pole. "Yes!"

"Me first!" "Can I try?" "Cool!" Mabel, (Y/n) and I say at the same time. We all throw pine cones and try to hit the target. (Y/n) is able to hit it almost every time. I so preoccupied with watching (Y/n), I throw one and end up hitting a car. The sound of the car alarm pulls me out of my trance. (Y/n) looks towards me and smile her cute smile. I start to blush. 'Oh gosh she is so freaking cute. Oh crap she is coming over here.' I think. She walks over.

"Jackpot! High five." She holds up her hand. "......Don't leave me hangin'." I smile and high five her.

"Oh hey it's my friends!" Wendy says as a car pull up.

"Wendy!" A boy yells and waves him arm.

"Hey, you guys aren't going to tell Stan about this, are you?" She asks.

"Nope" "No" "Of course not" We all answer.

"Later dorks." She says as she slides down a tree and gets into the car.

"Let's get out of here!" The same boy earlier yells. They drive away. (Y/n) turns to me smirks and then runs straight for the edge of the roof.

"(Y/n) what are you doing?!" I yell. She jumps and slides down the tree just like Wendy did. I run over to the edge and look down. (Y/n) is standing on the dirt without a scrap on her.

Before the Storm (Dipper x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now