My First Best Friend

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      Okay, now that you know how my story began, I can tell you the middle part.

      One day my dad needed his car fixed, and I asked him what automotive shop he needed me to call. He told me not to call any of them, because he knew someone who would fix it for him for a lot less.

"Who's that, Dad?," I asked.

"A man named Seth Smith," said Dad. "I've known him for years. You want to come?"

"I don't know, Dad. Is there anything to do there?," I asked.

"He's got a daughter that's your age. She's really nice. I'm sure you'll like her," said Dad, walking out of the kitchen. "Heck, maybe you'll make a new friend."

"You mean a friend. I don't have any," I said once he was out of earshot.

"I'll be there in a second with my wallet," Dad called from his bathroom.

"Okay," I called back.

      It was a longer drive to Seth's than I thought it would be. I thought it would just be three minutes and there would be nothing too wrong with the car. I hoped that this would be the case because I had drank a twenty-ounce glass of tea. And as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory said:

"Twenty-ounce milkshake! Sixteen ounce bladder!"

Once we were there for two minutes, and Seth already confirmed my worst fear, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. "Dad, is there a bathroom that I can use?"

"Hey, Seth, can my boy use your bathroom?," asked Dad.

"Yeah, sure, Jake. Go ahead," said Seth.

"Thanks!," I called, running for the door. I tried to walk calmly into the kitchen, where Seth's wife was. She had brown wavy hair that went down her back. "Could you tell me where the bathroom is, please?"

"Across the living room and into that hall," said the woman, not turning around to see me.

"Thanks!," I said, rushing away.

      I got into the bathroom and did my business, and then walked out. My dad had said something about a girl. What girl? I didn't see any girl. Then I heard a squeak from the left room. I slowly walked up to the door, which was closed, and opened it. Inside was a girl. She was sitting on her bed with a pillow behind her back. She was skinny and had brown hair that was short. Her legs had little stubbles on them, as if she'd forgotten to shave that morning. She had headphones in and a tablet in her hands. Her knees were almost pulled to her chest. Once I took her in she looked up at me and her face went red, her eyes widened, her mouth but a small circle. She immediately took her headphones out and paused whatever she was doing, then looked back up at me, trying to look as calm as possible.

"Uh... hi...," she said.

"Hi...," I said. We paused. I'm sure it was just for two minutes but the awkward silence made it seem like forever. "Uh... I'm Jake. What's your name?"

"I'm Sophia," I said. "Nice to meet you, Jake."

"Nice to meet you too," I said, more confidently. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just listening to songs," Sophia said, more confidently as well.

"What kind?," I asked, walking over to the bed she was sitting on.

Sophia blushed. "Five Nights at Freddy's. I don't know if you would like it or not."

"No, I'd love to hear some," I cringed. They even made songs about it. "Uh... I don't really listen to those songs, so just give me your favorite one."

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