"So you're Nick's mate? Boy do I feel bad for you." I said jokingly.

She looked up scared at me. "Oh my god is he abusive too? I need to leave right now." Sarah said beginning to look around frantically.

"Wait wait Sarah, hold on. Nick would never ever abuse you. None of the guys here would ever do that." I said stopping her from panicking.

She looked at me for a second before looking down. "I'm sorry it's just that I was abused by the men of my old pack so much that I thought it'd be the same here. That's why I'm so scared of Nick. Even though he's my mate." Sarah said a tear slipping from her eye.

Before I could reply I heard a growl and the door rip open before Nick stormed in. "Who hurt you." He growled looking murderous.

I looked towards Sarah to see she looked deadly afraid and was shaking. Getting up I walked towards Nick. "Nick calm down." I said slowly. He took a few slow breaths before calming down.

"Okay now get out." I said flatly, pointing to the door.

"No! What the heck Grace." Nick said.

"I wasn't done talking. Get out. Now." I said to Nick sternly.

He pouted at me before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

Turning around, I walked towards Sarah again. I grabbed her hands and gave it a squeeze. "Sarah I want you to trust me on this when I say it. Nick will never hurt you. Nobody will. Give him a chance. He's a great guy. Most of the time." I said to her smiling.

She gave a small smile before nodding her head. She moved towards me and gave me a quick hug before pulling back. "Thank you Grace, I really needed that talk." She said appreciatively.

I gave her a smile and a nod before walking out towards the door. I opened it and walked towards Nick who was standing outside looking impatient. "Thank you Grace. Really. You're an amazing person." He said looking relieved.

"No problem. Go easy on her though. She's had it rough." I said quietly so Sarah couldn't hear.

He nodded his head and I turned around to walk back towards my room. I turned back around when I heard Nick call my name. "Hey Grace? Listen to him will ya? I don't like to get into others business but I promise you, it really isn't what it seems." Nick said before closing the door of his room.

I stood there processing what he said before walking towards the stairs once again to check if anyone was still there.

What did he mean 'it wasn't what it seemed'

Maybe I should talk to Arsen.

I walked downstairs too see that nobody was there. I quickly ran into the kitchen and did a silent dance when I saw that it was empty too. I walked towards the cupboard and opened it. I moved a few boxes around before I spotted the hot chocolate.

I quickly followed the instructions and began to make it. Before I could pour the bag of cocoa into the boiling water, the door to the kitchen opened and a disheveled lookin Arsen walked in.


Upon hearing me tearing the packet, Arsen looked up and his gaze met mine. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked so tired. He was shirtless and only in a pair of shorts giving off the assumption that he just came from a run. His abs were full on display and I had to force myself to tear my eyes away.

Forgetting the hot chocolate, I began inching towards the door. I needed to get out of here. Sure it was childish but I didn't want to talk.

Go back to mate! Catalina whined.

Mate this, mate that. It's all she cares about.

Before I could make it to the door, Arsen walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug. My arms stayed limp at my sides as he took in my scent.

"Arsen. Let go." I said unwillingly. As much as I hate to admit it, I loved being in his arms. I felt safe and secure and on top of the world.

"Grace please just listen to me, that's all I ask for." He once again pleaded, grabbing my hands.

Looking into his eyes I could see how bothered he was about this. I slowly nodded my head and took a seat on the kitchen counter. He took a seat beside me and turned to face me.

"Okay so what you know is that I went to Alphas Sean's pack to talk about an alliance that he suggested." Arsen started off.

I nodded my head and be continued.

"Well, his idea of the alliance was through marriage with his whore of a daughter. I immediately declined because I would never ever agree to that." He said looking at me.

I took in a breath and replied, "And what did he have to say about that."

"He wasn't exactly happy but then Nicks mate walked in. She was a lower rank and a servant to the pack, and also a pack punching bag. They used her and didn't treat her like a pack member. We got into a disagreement and Sean said that he would only allow Nicks mate, Sarah, to leave if I agreed to the alliance. We decided to leave the pack right then and on my way out, his daughter walked out and pounced on me. She kissed me and I pushed her away right away. She got a kiss in on my neck and I was in such a hurry to leave that place that I didn't bother checking to see what was left of her on my skin. But I swear to god Grace, I would never cheat on you. I've grown far too attached to you to ever do that. Hell, I can't even look at another girl." He said smiling and shaking his head.

I smiled when I realized that he never did cheat on me. My gloomy mood passed as I jumped onto his lap and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I assumed the worst and didn't listen to you." I said into his neck.

He chuckled and hugged closer. "I'm just glad you know the truth now Grace."

"Me too." I said into his neck.

We stayed in each other's embrace before I felt myself being picked up.

"Where are you taking us." I asked sleepily, I tossed and turned for half the night and got fragments of sleep in.

"We both need sleep." He said opening the door to his bedroom while balancing me in his arms still.

I felt myself being placed on his soft bed, and the bed dip before and arm came around my waist.

We both laid there, and no longer than five minutes later we fell asleep in each other's arms.


Phew. I'm glad they made up.

Anyways, thank you all for 2K reads!!

I really appreciate it and never thought my book would go farther than 500 reads.

I would also like it if you checked out the sneak peek to my new story "Chasing Hope" which I will be writing after this book is finished!

It isn't a werewolf story but I still hope you guys will be willing to check it out.

Vote and comment! I love replying to your guys comments!

Till next time!

Xoxo Lia

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