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Beeep. Beeep. Beeep.

My heart beat? So I made it. Good.

*sniff sniff* I recognize that crying. Bokuto..
No more. He should smile. Be his loud emo energetic self. Not crying.

It didn't take much for me to wake.

"Bokuto, ....please never cry for me again, ....I can't see you so broken." I said with a raspy voice opening my eyes.
Quickly two golden orbs are looking at me with love and happiness. And also inspecting me.


"THEN NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" He yells I put a shakey finger to his lips, "I promise..." He smiles
"How much did I miss?" I ask taking a tired breath
"All of it" I hear a deep voice say.
"Kuroo, ...? I'm guessing Kenma is here to.?.."I ask
He nods "of course"
"Thank you.." They both look at me and smile. Happy I'm ok.

"You know you should thank me with a kiss, and not on the cheek" Kuroo says with a wink

"Ohoho! No! She's Mine! And so are her lips, and the rest of her! Mine!" Bokuto yells

I feel my self blush.

"Ohhhoho bro! I never knew you where so perverted!" Kuroo smirks

"Kuroo your being wierd, plus your not one to talk" Kenma comes from behind him I smile softly.

"Bokuto don't make me go alone, please come with me?" I practically beg.

"Its just an ex ray, can't you do it alone" he tilts his head cutely

"I'll give you a reward" I say with a wink.

"W-Whattt? L-like what~?" He asks whether he's oblivious or not I don't know.

"Its my  last ex ray! They need it on file, please?"I pout

He finally agrees, it's been a long time since that day at camp, Fukurōdani won't be in the finals,a long with many others, I'm proud of Karasuno I admit. My dream of playing Volleyball is over, it's too risky with my injury even if it's healed. The year is almost over, it's coming close to graduation. Bokuto and I are still together.

"We need help moving into the apartment our parents have for us after graduation. I can believe it's in a week Bokuto". I say. He looks at me with his golden orbs, we just got out from my ex ray, you could say it's sudden moving in together but I sware our parents are already fangirling over a wedding which to point out no proposal from Bokuto obviously but it's a nice gesture so of course we accepted. But moving in won't happen until after we graduate.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of it." He smiles and takes my hand in his.

Dork, I love him though.
"We graduated! "I run and jump on my Noisy owls back.
"We Graduated baby!"
"HEY HEY HEY, WE DID IT! AND NOW THE BEST OF ALL!"he yells getting everyone's attention, he grabs my hand and pulls me to the stage, he gets down on one knee, he pulls out a ring, and well isn't it obvious.
After placing a beautiful ring on my finger he picks me up and spins me around. HEY HEY HEY! SHE SAID YES!"

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