Chapter 1

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"Hello?" I entered the house to hear no one. "Hello?" I dragged out the second 'hello.'

I sat and tried to find any hint of life in the house.

"Get home from being away for a year and this is how I'm greeted." I say to myself.

I was at a boarding school for a year because my parents thought it was a 'good way explore.'

More like they just wanted me out of the house because they were going on a year long business trip.

I went up to my room so I could go unpack.

Once I get to my room I was shocked.

This wasn't my room anymore. It was someone else's.

I hear the door open and I head down stairs.

"Jack!" I said running and hugging him.

"Lilly!" He said hugging me back.

Jack was my twin brother.

We start eating some grapes that were left out and we made small chat.

"So who is the new kid that is living in my room?" I asked.

"Oh, that is uh... Harrison's friend." He said shoving more grapes in his mouth.

Harrison is our older brother who is a big college football player.

"Why is he living here?" I asked.

"Because he needed a place this summer and Mom and Dad said that he could stay here." Jack said.

"So where do I stay?" I asked.

"Beats me. Oh mom and dad said that we are going to a dinner party tonight as a welcome home."

"Ok. When is it?"

"Later tonight, dinner time."

"Who all is here?" Harrison's voice boomed through the house.

"Quickly hide!" Jack said. I ducked down behind the island and waited for Harrison to come into the kitchen.

"Oh hey Jack." Harrison said.

I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Who the hell?" He started until he turned around. "Lilly!" He gave me a big hug.

"Hey Harry." I said.

"How was your flight?" He asked.

"Good. It was long but it was nice." I said. "Hey do you know where my room is?" I asked.

"What do you mean? You've only been gone for a year." He kinda joked.

"Yeah well someone else is there because when I walked in there all of my stuff was gone." I explained.

"Oh shit yeah. You have the guest bedroom at the end of the hall."

"Really!?" I was actually excited.

The guest bedroom was the biggest room out of the entire house; well besides my parent's room.

"Yeah." Harrison said.

"Well I stink so I'm going to go shower. Are we all going to the dinner together?" I asked.

"Yeah. We will be leaving around 6:30, 7:00." Harrison said. "Zach doesn't get off until 5 so we have to wait until he gets home."

"Zach?" I asked.

"The person who is living in your room."

"Oh. Also is this fancy or no?"

"When isn't it fancy?" Jack and Harry said at the same time.

"True." I headed up stairs and went to my new room to unpack and shower.


I was finally finished when I double checked my outfit in the mirror.

I was wearing a high-necked, white dress that went a little lower than mid-thigh. At the bottom of the dress it had a pattern with different colors.

My shoes were purple heels and the heel was studded. My hair was curled and I was wearing a necklace that had a bow charm that my brother's gave to me before I left.

My siblings and I are very close. When my parents are gone we take care of each other.

"Lillian hurry the hell up!" Harry yelled.

"I'm coming." I said running down the stairs.

"Good to see that you still know how to dress properly." Jack said jokingly.

"Shut up." I took his arm and we walked out to the car that our parents sent for us.

Jack and I got in and Harrison was driving with Zach sitting in shotgun.

The ride was silent besides the radio.

"Mom and Dad are excited to see you." Harry said.

"I bet." I mumbled. My parents and I haven't been on the greatest of terms. That's why they didn't trust me when they went on a business trip so they sent me off.

We finally go to the dinning hall and stepped out of the car while valet took the car.

I finally got a really good look at Zach. He was kinda hot.

We got there early to help my parents with any last minute things.

"Lilly we've missed you so much." My mom hugged me when she saw me. "You've changed too."

"Thanks. And I've missed you guys too." I said. I walked around and tried to make time pass.

"So you are the Lilly everyone talks about?" Zach said scaring me.

"Depends on what they say." I said. "And you must be the Zach that took over my bedroom."

"That's me." He said. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Congratulations." I told him. I started walking off.

"You are really sassy you know that?"

"Yeah. I know that." I said as I was going out to meet some guests.

After I great most of the guests I went to sit at the table with my family and Zach.

"Well hey stranger." Someone said grabbing my shoulders.

"Julia!" I said giving her a hug. Julia was my best friend. When I went to school here she was my only friend.

I was very closed off. I mean when you have people who just want to be with you for your parents money you learn to be closed off.

"I've missed you." I said.

"I've missed you too." She hugged me. "Summer league is starting again, you up for it?" Summer league is a cheer league that competes in the summer.

"I think so." I told her. "If I can find all of my stuff in time."

"Ok. Well I need to get going. Family business." She said starting to walk away.

"Ok see you later." I sat back down and ate dinner.

Once we finished we went home.

"Lil." Jack said leaning in my room. "Late night food run?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course." I said putting flip flops on and heading to his car.

We went to McDonald's and went home and watched movies in his room.

Almost as if I had never left.

My Brother's BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now