“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

“Outside,” Hallie replies quietly.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Hallie nods.

“Why?” Ben whines.

Hallie replies with a pathetic, “Because.” Ben sighs, but nonetheless moved aside allowing the suddenly quiet girl pass through the double doors to the tables.

Watching her go, a figure stealthily sneaks up on him.

“Hey Ben!” He’s greeted with the ever-so cheery Clara.

“Oh, hey Clara,” He replies awkwardly to the girl that he barely knows.

“Do you know where Hal is?”

“Sorry, no.”

“Okay, thanks anyways,” Clara smiled her billion-dollar smile.

“No prob,” He dismissed her with a tiny wave.

Not taking the hint, Clara continued to stay and stared at him expectedly. Finally giving up on the boy, she uncomfortably asked, “So,” she trailed off. “Do you want to eat lunch with me?”

“Sure,” Ben answered just as awkwardly.


Hallie sat hunched over, staring at the note Clara sent to her. She started to write back:

Dear Clara,

My dearest and most beloved best friend, I am eating my peanut butter jelly sandwich outside. I just needed a change in scenery.

Give the man a break. Mr. Clarmore has been here ever since my parents went here. Although, I must admit, he does need a trim.

Yes, you did tell me- 14 times to be exact, but who’s counting? I have no idea if he is.

I’m going to find your locker now,

The girl stood up, rereading what she had wrote. Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration, but
she figured it was better than nothing.

She sighed once more, gaining a few stares, but nonetheless made her way to Clara’s locker. On the way, she passed the cafeteria’s double-door entrance. Through the right window Hallie saw Clara and Ben across the multipurpose room. Clara was twirling a piece of hair with a smile on her face- her signature flirting face. Ben’s face was a mixture between amusement and unease- Hallie couldn’t tell which.

All her life she’s been compared to her overachieving brother, lurking in his shadow. However, she never got angry at him, she loved him in fact. Because of this, Hallie grew up with a low self-esteem.

A million thoughts, none of which were positive, were rushing through her mind. Hallie unhurriedly made her way towards her best friend’s locker, just thinking to herself.

How could I the underachiever, uncoordinated dork, have possibly ended up with Ben, my best friend’s, the brilliant, out-going, most-gorgeous girl in the whole wide school, crush?

Did I even deserve to have both of them as friends?

Do I deserve to—

“Hallie, is that you?” Ben’s voice aroused the girl from her disturbing thoughts.

Hallie raised her head slightly and gave him a meek smile.

“Are you okay?” Ben approached the girl.

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