Chapter 2: The Plan

Start from the beginning

It was five seconds later when he got a response.

MICHELLE: I think I love you, officially. Meet me at Hanks in the morning, and lunch is on me.

BRYCE: I'll be there, and hopefully you'll be wearing that waitress skirt again.

MICHELLE: I will. Be careful or I might think you're flirting with your fake fiancé. ; )

Bryce couldn't help but smile at the sound of that word. Fiancé. Bryce felt himself smile as he tried to push away the feeling that he'd just made a very big, life altering decision with his other brain.


Michelle was busing tables, a little bit of bounce in her step. She had spent extra time getting ready that day, straightening her hair and doing her makeup with care. Her coworker roommate Magda, who was a six foot tall amazon woman with perfect blonde locks, eyed Michelle with a curious stare.

"Michelle, why are you so happy to be here? And why are you looking so...decked out today?"

"I just want to look nice," Michelle said. "Don't I normally look nice."

"You always do, but in a natural 'I'm a raven haired goddess who doesn't try' sort of way. Today, you put in extra effort, making us all look like mere mortals. Plus, you stole my blow dryer this morning."

"You don't look like a mortal. You look like my hot best friend, who eats three packs of Oreos and looses three pounds."

"Whatever, your curves are hot. Women pay money for boobs like yours."

"Yeah, well, I still wouldn't mind being thin," Michelle said. "But, I've found an answer to all of my prayers."

"Oh no, is this like that time you spent all of your tips on mega millions lottery tickets? You have the craziest plans girl."

"Well, I can't talk about it," Michelle said. "But I am up to something, and I feel good about it."

"Chelley, quiet down," Magda said. "The guy who just walked in quite possibly the hottest thing I have ever seen. God, me gusta le hombre..."

"That was a little racist and creepy," Michelle said. "Besides, calm down, Bryce is here for me."

"That sun kissed sex God is yours? Damn it, Silas. I hate you."

"I'm taking my break," Michelle said to Magda. "Cover me, and please, bring us some pie."

"Yeah, whatever you say, man thief," Magda said. Michelle knew she was joking, but it was still irksome to hear another woman talk about Bryce that way. So much for not being jealous...

"Hey," Bryce said. "How's my bride to be today?"

"Good, I feel great," Michelle said. "Let's sit and eat. We have a lot to talk about."

"Ok," Bryce said, picking out a booth. He slid in and Michelle smiled. "You look great by the way. It's weird that I've never seen you in your regular clothes, but you still look amazing."

"Wow," Michelle said. "You're such a charmer. I guess I'll have to get used to that, or my face might get stuck blushing permanently."

"You shouldn't blush when I compliment you, Michelle. I'm just pointing out facts."

 She shrugged off the nice words, moving on.

"Ok, so let's talk," Michelle said. "I did some research, and apparently we're not the first people to try this whole 'FASFA' marriage out. So, even though the government doesn't investigate it like they do with green card marriages, we need to be careful."

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