TFD: Valentine's Day

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Since today was Valentine's day, I decide to wake Eli up, Amie style. Sniggering at the thought of Eli's expression, I quietly unlocked his bedroom door and slipped inside, my fuzzy rabbit slippers making no noise on the polished tiles. Sweat beaded my forehead as I tried to carry the annoyingly heavy boom box across the room to his bed. Jesus Christ, it was heavy.

Finally reaching his side, I heaved it up onto the bed and gently placed it down to prevent waking Eli. For one split second, I felt a pang of guilt as I looked down at his peaceful, sleeping face. Then I waved the notion away, grinning. This was revenge for all those times he made me fall down from the bed and it was going to be sweet. Counting down in my head for dramatic effect, I plugged in the socket.

Rap music immediately boomed from the boom box right next to Eli's ear. His eyes immediately shot open in shock as he struggled to free himself from the sheets and instantly fell onto the ground with a yell. Tears streamed down my face as I howled with laughter, collapsing onto the bed, my legs in the air.

I gasped for air as Eli's head popped out above the bed from the ground, glaring at me even though his face was red with embarrassment. Unable to help myself, I started laughing again at his furious expression, my whole body shaking with giggles.

"That wasn't funny, Amie," He told me through gritted teeth.

"You should've seen your face. It was hilarious!" I snickered but the laughter died away as Eli stood. Completely naked. My face burned as I quickly turned away, mentally cursing him. Why couldn't he wear clothes for once?

"As you can see, I need to prepare for school today," His smirk burned through a hole in my head. Although I couldn't see it, I could definitely feel it. I waited with bated breath for him to say something. Like "Happy Valentine's baby!" or something along those lines. To my disappointment, he just stood there impatiently waiting for me to leave.

I sighed silently. I had even got up and wore everything red to prove my point to him but he was just as thick-headed as usual. I had on a pair of red, heart-shaped earrings, a red t-shirt with a heart on it and a black mini-skirt with red tights. I had even streaked my hair red, for God's sakes. Without another word, I got up and exited the room.

An hour later, I found myself in the passenger's seat, staring out of the window as Eli drove us to school. Even his maniacal driving didn't registered to me as I continued waiting for him to say something, to even mutter one word that would hint about Valentine's Day. But of course, since it was Eli, he said nothing.

Reaching our destination, I stepped out of the car, only to be tackled by Courtney. "Amie! Happy Valentine's Day!" She winked at me and nodded her head towards Eli, repeating the gesture over and over again. Subtle. And yes, that was sarcasm.

"Nice outfit, chica!" Penny squealed, hugging me. "Did Eli get you anything?" She whispered into my ear. I shook my head ever so slightly and I felt her deflate in disappointment as she released her hold. I allowed myself a small grin that turned into the evil eye as Eli leaned over and kissed me on the head before running off to meet his friends.

"Jerk," I muttered under my breath as I headed off to class.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully and to put it in simple terms, it was agonising. Everywhere, kissing couples surrounded me and it was painful that I wasn't doing the same with Eli. Everytime we passed each other in the hallways, I would stare pointedly at him then at a couple kissing nearby then back at him. He would always respond with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile that was absolutely infuriating.

By lunch, I was mentally exhausted from trying communicate with Eli through telepathy and pointed hints. As we walked through the hallways for the tenth time, I growled at a couple making out by the lockers. Courtney placed a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, steering me away from them as Lois gave them her extremely intense death glare. No one, and I mean no one could ignore her death glare and as expected, the couple immediately broke apart. I love my friends.

When I reached the cafetaria, I was shocked to see an extremely beautiful girl chatting up Eli. He looked rather interested in what she had to say, much to my displeasure. I narrowed my eyes at him, shooting him daggers but he didn't seem to pick up the message.

"Who's the newbie?" Lois muttered to Courtney who knew everything that was going on in the school.

"Apparently, she's a new transfer student who just came in today. Don't know much about her except that she's rich," Courtney whispered back, staring at the new girl.

Having had enough, I huffed and stomped my way over to him, putting on a dangerously sweet smile when I reached them. "Excuse me, but I need a moment with my boyfriend. Alone." I told her cooly, stressing on the 'boyfriend' and 'alone'.

The girl looked taken aback but she smiled brightly. "Sure, I don't mind! El was just telling me about his job anyways." She winked at Eli and turned on her heels, walking off. El?!

I turned towards 'El', fuming. How could he be flirting with another girl on Valentine's Day? I lost my virginity to him and he told me he loved me, for God's sake! Eli, catching the murderous look on my face, sighed and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the crowd.

I looked up to him in surprise and stared back at my friends, bewildred. Courtney was winking at me and giving me thumbs up while Lois and Penny smiled excitedly. Eli's face was expressionless, his face a blank mask, giving nothing away.

Finally, we reached the back of the school building. Nobody usually went there and, true enough, we were alone. Eli leaned against the wall, folding his arms and looking at me. "Okay, talk." He ordered me.

"Excuse me?" I stared back, my face hard. Who was he to give me orders?

"Something's been bothering you all day. No one else could have been any more obvious." Eli pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing's wrong. Now if you would excuse me, I would like to have my lunch with my friends, who actually remembers me." I started to stalk away, only to be pulled to a stop by Eli. I growled, glaring at his arm and wishing I could just bite it off.

"Seriously, Amie. What's up?"

"It's you, alright!" I yelled. "Today's Valentine's Day! I thought you loved me, Eli! If you did, you would surely remembered that this day was suppose to be special. Special for us. I thought you've at least cared. Showed in some way that you know I actually exist." My voice broke as I continued glaring at him.

Eli took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Amie, I didn't get you anything because today isn't special for me. Everyday with you is special for me. I don't want to wait for only one day a year to show how much I love you. I would rather do it everyday to show you I care." He said simply, gripping my hands in his own and staring straight into my eyes.

Wow. That was certainly .. unexpected. And a little corny. Okay, I'm ruining the moment for myself right now so I'll just shut up. I just threw my arms around him but he extracted himself from my grasp. "I knew you would probably feel this way," He continued, rolling his eyes but smiling all the same. "So I got you a gift. I wanted to surprise you with it tonight but I should've known you were this impatient." He removed a slender, rectangular box from his pocket and handed it over to me.

I slowly opened it and gasped. A beautiful heart pendant was inside, gleaming under the sun. It must've cost him a fortune. I looked up, about to protest when Eli placed a finger on my lips. He lifted the necklace from the box and placed it around my neck, securing the clasp in place. He then spun me around and kissed me, his hands cradling my face.

Three words: Best. Valentine. Ever.


A/N: Soooo. I hope you guys liked it, especially Kaylee. Happy very early Valentine's Day ;)

Scribby, this is for you :D Love you :3

One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें