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Yunho smiled when he saw his son chasing his sister and tickling her ears. So far Hyebin got that from her mother. Jae was too sensitive when it comes to blowing an air to his ears or even teasing or kissing him in his ear lobe. Its good to see those things were also possess by their kids.
He remember something important today. He met those douchbag of his friends in Japan last week and they're coming to Korea for a visit. Top who manage to enter an entertainment business as a rapper/singer were asking him for a drink to catch up. Another friend of him Heechul who are now a fashion designer are so in demand in Paris. And another one in the name of Donghae who manages branches of hotel in Japan were also joining. But he needs to talk to Jae first.
He strode towards the kitchen where his wife was baking a muffins and cookies for the kids. Its a good thing its Sunday, no works in the restaurant which manage by Junsu and no work in the company. At least he can go for a few drinks with his friends.
"Hey baby . . ." Yunho gave Jaejoong a light smack in the ass. Jaejoong turn to glare at him and he just chuckled. "Jae, I have somewhere to go tonight. Is it ok if I leave the kids with you for a while? Just catching up with some friends." Yunho hopes Jaejoong would agree.
"Where are you going?" Jaejoong put the remaining pan in the waiting oven and Yunho held it. Jaejoong finally turn to him giving his full attention.
"You know when I went last week in Japan, I met my old buddies in one of the restaurant. You know Top of Big Bang?" Jaejoong nodded.
He's one of my old buddies way back in college. And they're going to visit Korea today."
You mean You'll go for a drink with them? I didn't know you got a superstar of a classmate way back. He's pretty famous in Japan."
"Yes something like that. I didn't know he was into singing though, I don't even know that fool could actually sing. Is it ok?"
"Sure Why not? Just tuck your little girl on the bed before you leave, and also ask your son. That little guy always follow your words like gold." Jaejoong rolled his eyes and face the oven again. Yunho went behind his wife and hug him.
"You jealous? My big baby is jealous?" Yunho blow an air to Jaejoong's ear and as expected he react and shiver. Just what Hyebin did when someone is touching her ear.
"I am not jealous. I guess I just have to get use that Moonbin is really our little Yunho in the house. He's acting so much like you."
"Its because I gave you 95% of my genes when we made him." Jaejoong crunch his nose and smack Yunho in the arm surrounding his narrow waist.
"The kids are around watch your language."
"So you agree that Moonbin was made of my 95% share of genes? That leaves you to 5% only."
"No. I don't agree with you. I conceive him for 9 months so you were left with 5% and the 95% goes to me." Yunho chuckled. He's happy when they argue some non sense things like this. That's usually their bonding and the form of their teasing.
Jaejoong turn around and saw his husband grinning at him. He pinch Yunho's nose and laugh.
"What time are you leaving? Don't get too drunk ok?" Jaejoong reprimanded and Yunho nod.
"Promise I won't. Its just a good catching up time, they were a busy people too just like me so I guess I won't be out too long. Don't miss me that much baby."
"Ewww . . . you wish!"
Yunho gets ready and wear his Cartier watch a gift from his wife from last year's birthday. Jaejoong loves to see it in his wrist because Jaejoong loves his hand so much. A hands that could give him pleasure as well. Yunho smiled and shook his head. Its really not the time for him to get a hard on. Thinking about that maybe he can lure Jaejoong again later to have intimate moments with him. Its been months that they barely touch each other considering he was busy at the company and Jae keeps the restaurant monitored and there's their kids who took much time of Jaejoong. Not that he's complaining but he also needs his wife. He miss Jaejoong's touch.
"Baby, Moonbin and Hyebin are waiting for you in their room." Yunho nod and walk towards Jaejoong and carefully lock the door.
"I think I never kissed you properly this past few days. I miss your tongue and taste. Let me kiss you baby."
Jaejoong just smiled but wrapped his arms to Yunho's neck. Yunho began nibbling his lower lip as his hands starts roaming under Jaejoong's white tee. The wife moan and his hands dig on Yunho's scalp dis-arranging the well gelled.hair. Jaejoong stop and widraw himself.
"Awwww . . . I think I made your hair messy." Yunho chuckled and embrace Jaejoong again inhaling his favorite scent.
"I miss you baby, please wait for me later ok? I have a surprise for you. But I really want to make love to you. I won't get myself drunk. Promise."
"Let's see if you can keep that promise then. Go see your kids before Moonbin change his minds of letting you go out and Hyebin while she's in the good mood."
"Alright come with me." Yunho held Jaejoong's hands and strode towards the other room occupied by their two lovely kids.
Moonbin was still playing with his superman toy when they enter while Hyebin was fast asleep on her cute pink bed.
"Hey son why aren't you sleeping yet?"
"I am not sleepy yet dad. Are you going out tonight?" Yunho nod.
"Going to see some friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Don't worry they're nice guys. You will get to know them one day." Moonbin nod and rewarded his father a warm smile.
"Don't be too long dad, mom is alone in his room." Yunho let out a small laugh and ruffled his son's hair. Jaejoong just smiled.
"I promise I won't take too long and your mom will get to see dad before morning. ok?"
"Ok, Be careful dad. I love you."
"I love you too son!" Yunho bend down and gave his son a peck on his forehead same as his princess who are now wandering in her dreamy land. He stood up and head for the door, waiting for Jaejoong to give his goodnight kiss to their kids.
Yunho park his car outside the famous bar in town. Wow! He just realize he haven't swing by in this kind of place for a long time. Especially when gets married and have kids with Jae. Not that he miss the place, he just realize it.
Opening the door, he was greeted by heechul who hugs him and paste himself like a koala. Donghae and Top shook their heads and gives him a light smack on the back when he made himself sit beside top.
"What's up man? You're always looking good!" Donghae stare at him for a good while second like he's memorizing every single detail of his face.
"I am good. You're looking good yourself, and I heard from heechul you're now super rich. Are you planning on building a gold mansion?" The guy laugh heartily.
"He should look for a women now. A women who can spend his millions, he's making too much money Yunho." Heechul sip his beer and thrust a New open can to Yunho.
"Says by the man who promise himself not to commit in a relationship. Paris has lots of pretty blonde in there, have you screwed any?" Top smirk when hee just laugh.
"Yeah of course, You know I am good at that thing."
"You won't be called a man whore for nothing." Yunho counter back when his friend glare at him.
"How about this superstar here? By any chance are you planning to get married or get yourself a steady girlfriend? Those Japanese women you had were pretty but you're not serious to any of them. Aren't you?"
"Yunho they're just after my popularity. I don't think I'll get married soon. I have to find a girl who will suit my taste. How about you? We didn't get to attend your wedding. I haven't seen your wife and your kids yet. Do you have any picture of them?" Yunho put down his beer and took out his phone from his pocket. Sliding it open and went to gallery where pictures of Jae and their kids were save.
"Here!" The three scrambled of taking his phone from his hands but heechul was too fast checking every single picture save on his gallery.
"Damn Yunho, he's hot and gorgeous!" Heechul pass the phone to donghae and the latter agreed.
"This is your son? Wow! He looks a lot like you. I bet this little guy will have more lucky dates with pretty girls in the near future. Better than his dad." Yunho snort.
"Very funny." Top took the phone and check it.
"You have a baby girl too? Wow you have pretty kids, your daughter looks more a lot like your wife though. I am going to wait for her." Yunho snatch his phone back and glare at top.
"Like I would allow you!" And they all laugh.
Yunho try to control his alcohol intake as that what he promise to Jaejoong. His friends on the other hands were now wasted and started having this stupid game. The 'of course game' Top's wrist was now reddening due to donghae and hee's hitting. Yunho had never lose the game yet. The annoyed top propose another game and whoever lose will get a tattoo on their skin. Yunho had never imagine he will lose it. Top choose to put the tattoo on his dick with a written 'Rub my lump'. Heechul and d0nghae laugh their ass off and they promise to ask top in the morning if he's sober enough if he remember anything.
Yunho on the other hand choose to tattooed his lovers name. He choose to put it just above the garter of his boxer. The two perceptive friends try to figure out what he'd written permanently on his skin but he never allowed them to see. Jae has to see it first before anyone.
"Yunho Don't tell me you put your wife's name on your skin. You did it right?" Donghae accused him and heechul just continue laughing in his own world.
"He's totally whipped!" His friends scream and Yunho smack them.
"Just because I painted my lovers name on my skin it means I am whipped. I just kinda love him you know."
Hee burst out laughing and donghae gape at him.
"Oh my god! Hae hold my hair while I hurl." Heechul made a gagging sound and Yunho smack him again.
Top on the other hand was complaining about his jeans who were rubbing his dick. He tried to open his zipper but heechul stop him.
"Don't you dare take your jeans off! The last thing I want to see is your dick!" They laugh out loud and the poor top tried to ease the pain on his groin by lifting his jeans uncomfortably.
Yunho gets home around 4am. He was sure Jae was fast asleep now. He peeked on the other room where his kids were sleeping and smiled. He wanted to kiss them but he smells like jack Daniels so he proceed to their bedroom.
He stop on his tract. Jaejoong was fast asleep and he's wearing a white satin night gown that reflects glow on his skin. He gets hard just at the mere sight. Without wasting his time he pulled of his flannel shirts and jeans and boxer and go naked as he slip himself under the blanket.
Yunho started roaming his hands to Jae's thigh until it rested on the swell of perfect globes. Jaejoong stir and turn around as he slowly open his eyes. He smiled at Yunho.
"Hey baby. Have a good time?" Jaejoong's hoarse voice didn't help it just makes Yunho gets harder. Yunho continued kissing Jaejoong's neck and the latter was being responsive by clinging his legs to Yunho's hips hitting the gauze pad and he groan. Jaejoong stop abruptly and take a look at Yunho. When his gaze landed on the gauze pad he gasps and held his mouth from screaming.
"Oh my god Yunho! What happen? Did you have a fight?" Yunho take a sit beside his wife and sigh.
"Jae its nothing don't worry."
"You have a gauze pad on your skin Yunnie and you tell me don't worry? What happen?"
"Its a tattoo." Yunho tried not to blush but unfortunately Jaejoong was very observant.
"Are you seriously Blushing Yunho?" Yunho shook his head.
"Let me see it."
"Oh please. What have you written in there? I am curious now."
Yunho take a deep breath and carefully. Very carefully took the gauze pad covering the reddening tattoo. Jaejoong gasps and smiled widely.
"You got my name tattooed on your skin baby? Wow! I am overwhelmed." Jaejoong get closer and peck Yunho's lips.
"I want to do it long time ago but I am just busy. I love you that's why." Jaejoong can't help grinning and awarded Yunho kisses all over his face. That tattoo would forever engraved on Yunho's skin and he was really moved.
"I love you too baby! I love you so much! You really did tattoo my name huh?" Jaejoong take a look again and smiled widely. He took his robe and go naked making Yunho gape at him.
"Let's get started baby! I think I'll be on top then, I don't want to hurt your tattoo."
"That's why I love you so much!" Yunho grin as Jaejoong ride him on top and started kissing him. That name will forever be engraved. Not only on his skin, but also to his heart. Jae completely owns him.

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