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            “You’re such fucking shit at this!” James laughed, teasingly bumping his friend with his shoulder.

            “Rematch,” Aleks grumbled, hunching forward and gripping the Xbox controller like it was the only handhold on a steep cliff.

            James quirked an eyebrow. “You sure? There’s plenty of stuff other than motorcycle races I can beat your ass at in GTA.”

            “I’m going to beat you this time,” the other huffed, eyes glued to the flat screen so that he wouldn’t have to see the mocking look on his friends face.

            “Alright, I suppose we can do it one more time,” James drawled. “But it does get kind of boring after a dozen tries, you know.”

            “Shut up,” Aleks said gruffly, but his voice hinted at a hidden smile. The laughs were never far away when the two were together.

            James started the match, and within seconds Aleks had run into a pole and died.

            “Fuck!” The Russian shouted, as his friend made no attempt to hide his chuckles.

            Concentrate, Aleks. You can do this.

            Except that James was a whole half of a lap ahead of him.

            Aleks allowed himself a peek at James, who wore an arrogant grin. The younger man felt frustration unequal to anything since he was a child, being trumped at Mario Kart by his friends. Instinctively, he resorted to his old childhood winning tactic.

            Faster than a bullet, his arm slipped behind James’s and his writhing fingers caught James right in the armpit.

            “What the fuck!” James yelled, taken by surprise as a giggle forced its way out of his throat. His character swerved on the screen as he attempted to scoot away from Aleks.

               Aleks scooted as well, though, tickling up and down James’s side.

            “No!” James howled, falling off the couch in his desperate bid to hold in his instinctive laughter. As he fell, James compulsively tensed his muscles, accidentally clamping Aleks’s hand between his arm and torso, pulling the Russian with him. Controllers went flying as the men turned to war.

            They squirmed around on the ground, each trying to tickle the other’s armpits and stomachs. James got in a few good holds, but Aleks was winning by far. James had tears in his eyes from how hard ad uncontrollably he was laughing.

            Suddenly, Aleks’s fingers grew still as blood crept into his cheeks. Somehow, he’d ended up lying on top of James on the ground, faces inches apart. Devilishly mischievous brown eyes looked up at him, confusion starting to rise to the surface as James registered Aleks’s hesitation.

            In his attempt to look away, the younger man’s lips accidentally bumped his friends. Aleks hastily braced his arms against the ground to push away, but James threaded a hand through his hair and pulled him close.

            They broke away from the soft kiss, brown eyes looking into brown eyes.

            “I guess you’re pretty ticklish, huh?” Aleks murmured with a smile.

            James rolled his eyes. “You fucking cheater.”

AN: Hope you enjoyed that! My friend requested a fluffy NovaHD oneshot for her birthday, and I need the practice, so why not? Go follow her at! She's awesome! 

To follow me, go to You can also send me messages and fanart there! 

I know the 'tickle fight' thing is pretty cliche, but I wanted to try it out and it was fun to write :) thanks again for reading!

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