Prologue- Coordinates

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'Guardian? Time to wake up Guardian!' I could hear my ghost yelling at me. I catch a glance at my clock, 7:30am, i have a meeting with the Vanguard in 10.... I let out a long sigh, rolling onto my back and covering my eyes.
'Hurry up and get ready' my ghost said, flying around my room, materializing my armor. I slowly but surely get up and walk to my window, opening it, none the less blinding myself during the process.

I stare out of my window at the Last City, the final bastion of humanity. Located somewhere on Earth, the City was built and is located directly under the floating Traveler to take advantage of its protective shields. Up above us is the Traveler, hanging motionless in the skies above, it protects the humans from the continuous onslaught of the Darkness bent on humanity's eradication by projecting a shield around the City, and gifts the Guardians with ancient and mysterious powers.

Thats what I am, a Guardian, Warlock to be exact. I walk over to my gear, I put my armor, first my Spektar Leggings with a Red Chroma, you know to look cool and keep the hopes of childern...kinda... anyways next my Keepers Cloak, activating the Red sign on the chest, and last but not least, the Grasp of Eir.

'You know it would of been easier if i just materalized it on you, right?'
"I like to keep it classic, old school' i chuckle back. I stare at myself in the mirror, Im the youngest Guardian ever 'revived', I was only 17 at the collapse of civilization and 17 when my ghost found me; well we don't exactly know how long i was dead for, but thats all that i remember, i have [H/C], [E/C] and a scar on my left cheek.

'Guardian we have 5 minutes to get there or we'll be late'
"Yeah yeah yeah, im going." I say, walking out of my room and heading out of the commons towards the main base of the Tower.

It was quite dead but its still morning, with some guardians hanging about, at the vault or the cryptarch, i was heading down towards the Vanguard. I wasn't even down the first flight of stairs until i could hear them arguing.

"We need a hunter to head to the coordinates and scout out the area!" Cayde yelled

"No, we need to focus our main forces protecting the city! For all we know it could be a trap! A way for a whole Vex armada waiting on the other side for a moment to attack!" Commander Zavala yelled back

"What we need is a team of Warlocks, investagating and gathering data about these coordinates and why after the Black Heart was destroyed, why these coordinates appeared with that dead Vex goblin, which i still find it quite odd on how it get into [Y/N]s ship"  Ikora exclaimed

"Speaking of, morning sleeping beauty" Cayde said, while walking over and patting me on my back "How was the mission?"

"Tiring" You yawn while stretching.

"Warlock, when you arrived back after defeating the heart, that Vex Goblin you had in your ship, had some coordinates into uncharted space, an area that we have no idea if it has been touched by the darkness." Zavala explained while bring up a hollowgram map, showing that the coordinates are in an area that we don't even have records of. 

"Hm, well since i did accidentally put the city in danger by having that Vex sneak aboard, it would only be reasonable that i go, as well my ship is the only one capable to go that far and back." I reply back

"Are you sure?" Zavala sternly replies

"Sure, it means that you can keep most of your Titans hear protecting the city, i can scout out for Cayde and gather Intel for Ikora."

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