Historical Information:
Shima Kiyooki (島清興), also known as Shima Sakon (島左近), was a Japanese samurai of the late Sengoku period. Shima eventually left the service of the Tsutsui, and eventually joined Ishida Mitsunari before Sekigahara.

At the Battle of Sekigahara, Shima served as one of Ishida's higher-ranking officers, commanding a unit of 1,000 strong men. Some sources suggest Shima led musketmen and that his position had cannons. He was shot by riflemen led by Kuroda Kanbei's son Nagamasa, forcing him to retreat. He died of his wounds about one month after the battle.

Weapons: (Sorry, if you don't understand that just how the chart is exactly.)

「Even」・「Odd」 (「丁」・「半」 「chou」・「han」?)
「Victory」・「Loss」 (「白」・「黒」 「shiro」・「kuro」?)

「Good Luck」・「Bad Luck」 (「吉」・「凶」 「kichi」・「kyou」?)

「Heaven」・「Earth」 (「天」・「地」 「ten」・「chi」?)
「Six」・「Four」 (「丁」・「半」 「mutsu」・「yotsu」?)
「Even」・「Odd」 (「丁」・「半」 「chou」・「han」?)

「Even」・「Odd」 (「丁」・「半」 「chou」・「han」?) (gold)

Sakon's fighting style can be divided into to two stances - Twin Swords and Kicks - which can be easily switched during battle. These two stances determine almost his entire moveset from his S-String starting hits, to his skills to his Basara finisher.

When using his twin swords, Sakon's attacks cover more area, making this stance better against groups.

When using kicks, Sakon's attacks cover less area, but tends to come out quicker, making it better against single opponents.

The stances can be switch using his Buttons - R1 skill (regardless of stance) or during certain points in his S-String. While his stances allow him to adapt to most situations, care must be taken when performing his S-String since stance-switching happens at certain points of his S-String, possibly leading to the usage of the wrong skill. Fortunately, each of his skills are functionally similar to its counterpart in the other stance.

Matching Dice (ゾロ目 zorome?)

Button: Buttons - Square (long press)
Acquisition: level 1
Raised Floor (子あがり koagari?)

Button: Buttons - Triangle
Acquisition: level 1
50-50 (五分五分 gobugobu?)

Button: D-pad + Buttons - Triangle
Acquisition: level 1
Even Number (丁 chou?)

Button: Buttons - R1
Acquisition: level 2
Storm (アラシ arashi?)

Button: Buttons - L1 + Buttons - Triangle
Acquisition: level 5
Gambling (鉄火 tekka?)

Button: Buttons - Square (long press)
Acquisition: level 1
Compromising Dealer (親おとし oya otoshi?)

Button: Buttons - Triangle
Acquisition: level 1
Persistence (一点張り ittenbari?)

Button: D-pad + Buttons - Triangle
Acquisition: level 1
Odd Number (半 han?)

Button: Buttons - R1
Acquisition: level 2
Tick Tock (カチカチ kachikachi?)

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