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Takeda Shingen
4-Kanji Description: 戦神覇王

4-Kanji Translation: Conqueror God of Battle

Weapon: Giant Axe

Element: Fire

Faction: Takeda

Series Debut: Sengoku BASARA

Playable Debut: Sengoku BASARA

Sengoku BASARA
Sengoku BASARA 2
Sengoku BASARA 2 Heroes
Sengoku BASARA X (Yukimura's Assist)
Sengoku BASARA Battle Heroes
Sengoku BASARA 3 (NPC, Cutscene Only)
Sengoku BASARA Chronicle Heroes
Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage
Sengoku BASARA 4 (NPC)
Sengoku BASARA 4 Sumeragi

Sengoku BASARA Samurai Kings
Sengoku BASARA Samurai Kings 2
Sengoku BASARA The Last Party
Sengoku BASARA Judge End

Seiyuu: Tesshō Genda

Voice Actor:
Mark Gibbon (Devil Kings)
Michael McConnohie (Samurai Heroes)
Christopher Ayres (Samurai Kings/2/The Last Party)

Live-Action Actor: Iwanaga Hiroaki

~I, Shingen, shall become a tiger dominating over Heaven and Earth!~

-----> Takeda Shingen is a character introduced in the first Sengoku BASARA. In Devil Kings, he is also known as Red Minotaur.

Leader of the Takeda clan, famous for its cavalry. Has a large, imposing frame and a brilliant mind as well. Wields a giant axe. Often starts large and unnecessary brawls with Yukimura, sometimes for no reason, usually by wrestling or exchanging names while punching each other at the face. He is critically ill in Sengoku BASARA 3. But in Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage , he has been healed for his illness immediately, thus being a playable character in the game. He is demoted to combat npc for Sengoku BASARA 4.

Stonecutter - A giant axe that has poor power and defense.

Dark Manta - This great axe is slightly more powerful than Stonecutter.

Funeral Pyre - This giant axe is empowered by fire. It has high attack power and low defense. It also adds bonus fire damage to every hit.

Razorwheel - This spinning axe has poor attack but very high defense. It has a special prime advantage, adding a bonus hit to every blow struck against a "primed" enemy.

Immortal Halberd - This has the same properties as Funeral Pyre, but with a vastly higher attack and better defense.

Crowd Fan - This massive fan is more functional than it first appears. It has the highest attack of any axe and even has a respectable defense.

Historical information:
Takeda Shingen
武田信玄 December 1, 1521 – May 13, 1573
was the most famous leader of the Takeda clan and one of the most famous leaders in the Sengoku Period. Even though the young Shingen was gifted, his relation with his father was so poor that his father considered making Shingen's younger brother his heir instead of Takeda Shingen himself.

When he heard of this, Shingen led a rebellion against his father and took control of the clan. His younger brother did not resent Shingen for it and became one of his most loyal generals.

After leading his clan for years he attacked an ally of the Uesugi Clan which forced Uesugi Kenshin to fight him and thus a rivalry was born. Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin fought many battles with each other. The fourth one was the bloodiest and both Takeda and Kenshin suffered heavy casualties; Takeda even lost his younger brother.

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