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Ishida Mitsunari
SB4 Mitsunari Ishida
4-Kanji Description:::

4-Kanji Translation:::
Virtuous Man Martyred to Evil




Series Debut:::
Sengoku BASARA 3

Playable Debut:::
Sengoku BASARA 3

Sengoku BASARA 3
Sengoku BASARA Chronicle Heroes
Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage
Sengoku BASARA 4
Sengoku BASARA 4 Sumeragi

Sengoku BASARA Samurai Kings 2
Sengoku BASARA The Last Party
Sengoku BASARA Judge End

Tomokazu Seki

Voice Actor:::
Troy Baker (Samurai Heroes/Samurai Kings 2/The Last Party)
Jonathan Brooks (Mini Sengoku BASARA)

Live-Action Actor:::

"Unforgivable...... I will not forgive you!"

➡️Ishida Mitsunari is a character introduced in Sengoku BASARA 3. He is one of the main characters, alongside Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was a loyal retainer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

He appears in Sengoku BASARA 4 as a playable character. He is initially playable within the game.

Mitsunari was a loyal retainer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. However, when former friend Ieyasu revolted and killed Hideyoshi, Mitsunari's heart became filled with hatred and he vowed to exterminate Ieyasu in revenge.

Mitsunari gathered an army, including the likes of Sanada Yukimura and Ōtani Yoshitsugu.

Mitsunari fights using his ōdachi with an iaijutsu-style that delivers swift and gruesome death to any and all opposition.

Historical information:::
Ishida Mitsunari 石田 三成 1561 - November 6, 1600

Ishida Mitsunari was a samurai who led the Western army in the Battle of Sekigahara following the Azuchi-Momoyama period of the 17th century. Also known by his court title, Jibu Shōho (治部少輔)

He was born in the south of Ōmi Province (which is now Shiga prefecture), and was the second son of Ishida Masatsugu, who was a retainer for the Azai clan. His childhood name was Sakichi (佐吉). The Ishida withdrew from service after the Azai's defeat in 1573.

According to legend, he was a monk in a Buddhist temple before he served Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but the accuracy of this legend is doubted since it only came about during the Edo period.

Mitsunari met Toyotomi Hideyoshi when the former was still young and the latter was the daimyo of Nagahama. When Hideyoshi engaged in a campaign in the Chūgoku region, Mitsunari assisted his lord in attacks against castles like the Tottori Castle and Takamatsu Castle (in present-day Okayama).

After Hideyoshi seized power, Mitsunari became known as a talented financial manager due to his knowledge and skill at calculation. From 1585 onward, he was the administrator of Sakai, a role he took together with his elder brother Ishida Masazumi. He was appointed one of the five bugyo, or top administrators of Hideyoshi's government.

Hideyoshi made him a daimyo of Sawayama in Ōmi Province, a five hundred thousand koku fief (now a part of Hikone). Sawayama Castle was known as one of the best-fortified castles during that time.

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