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s/o/y/c- song of your choice
Your POV:

You and Mark reach the coffee place, and Mark, as a gentleman; opens the door and gestures for you to walk in front of him, you enter, He walks in behind you.

You see a jukebox in the corner of the shop and run up to it, Mark ran after you and he started playing s/o/y/c on full volume. "goof." you say, half whispering. He starts to dance near the jukebox and you decide to join in. You start dancing together, then he starts singing, his voice is beautiful.

You stop and look into his eyes. He looks into yours and he smiles, his head just slightly tilted. You smile back at him, cheeks flustered.


After you and Mark finished eating (While talking about random stuff)

Your POV : "Hey, would you like to come to pax with me? Its a convention; pop culture and stuff like that." He says swiftly. I go to the convention every year anyways, why not?

you ponder the request for a moment. he is a stranger, but... it'll be fun. I go there every other year anyways.   "yeah, that sounds great! i go there every other year, I have an apartment a few blocks away from here." You say with a smile.️ "Re-really?." Mark says a bit awkwardly. "So that's how you knew the coffee shop.." Mark says with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, I've lived here since I was about 10. After the ... Incident." You say hesitantly. "... May I ask what the incident was..?" Mark says with a bit of regret in his voice.
"Y-yeah sometime or another.." You say."Oh, I know, wanna come to my place tonight? Not like th-at.. just to talk and maybe have dinner? I make KILLER chicken and dumplings." Mark says cutely.
"Yeah sure." You say with a chuckle.

Andddd we end there! Hope you enjoyed, and I will see YOU in the next chapter.... BUH-BYE!!

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