Their beautiful

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A/n: so there's only one baby in the picture because as we all know Beyoncé only had one kid.

All you could hear was the sound of Cameras clicking and Cisco's annoying voice. You opened one eye and almost got blinded by a flash. "What the hell!" You groaned quietly. "Oh good morning sunshine!" Barry said and kissed your forehead. "Do you need anything?" Caitlin asked handing you some water. You took a sip and spat it back in the cup. "What the heck is in this." You asked. "It's a daily supplement that you need to take everyday to help your babies growth." Caitlin said handing you one of your newborns.

"We still haven't named them." Barry said smiling. You looked the baby
in the eyes and smiled. "Her name will be Lavis, since her eyes are blue like ice." You said playing with her finger. "What about her?" Barry said referring to the baby in his hands. "Let me see." You said handing Lavis to Cisco. Barry gently handed you your other daughter. You smiled at her and she giggled. Suddenly you felt burning on your arm and realized she had gripped a peice of your flesh. "Her name will be Ember." You stated smiling at her. "Why?" Cisco asked.

"She just looks like a Ember." You smiled. "OMG Y/N YOUR CLOTHES!!" Caitlin said fanning you off. They had caught on fire because of Ember. "I guess we are going to need fire proof furniture." You giggled. "And ice proof furniture too." You heard Cisco say. You looked over at him and busted out laughing. He had icicles hanging from his face. "Definitely." Barry said kissing your forehead.

The HalfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora