Chapter 2

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Sui went ahead running, Rael was left alone in the corridors, every student was attending their lessons, Rael gripped his head.

"Guard the auditorium" he repeated.

"Am I some sort of a guard dog?!" He said clenching his fists.

"He doesn't really see you like that you know" said a voice from behind.

"Do not comment on things you weren't suppose to hear, human" said Rael bitterly.

"Sure, sure" said the man chuckling "but-" as soon as the man was about to speak his monitor started bleeping

"I understand-- I'm with Rael-- yes... with Rael--we will be there very soon, hang on" said the man with a hand upon his ear monitor.

"We need to get going, there are fanatics in front of the school, M-21 can't take care of them all"

Both started running and the bells rang letting all the students outside, the man went ahead raising his hand to make way, Rael was slipping through the students, no one seemed to have noticed him.

"Make way, make way" the man insisted, as he tried to make his way through the students, when he finally broke free, Rael sighed, he had been waiting for the human to join him at the end of the corridor. They both hurried downstairs.

Tao was barricading the main entrance. He pasted "keep out" labels all over. Upon noticing the two running towards him:

"Ah Takeo, Rael good to see you, he's over there" said Tao pointing at the gates.

They both hurried up and reached the main gates, where M-21 was struggling to be gentle with Sui's fans, he tried not to push them with his monstrous surhumaine strenght. Takeo reached M-21 and helped him push the crowd back carefully, Rael, almost yawning was calmly walking toward the crowd.

"Real, move it, will you?!" Said M-21, grinding his teeth as he was attacked by a thousand hands.

"Don't you dare order me around" flashed Rael.

Takeo and M-21 turned around to place Rael by their side, one blinked the other stood there baffled, the crowd was no longer on their feet, but laying on the floor. Rael shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest.

"...Rael you didn't kill them...did you?" said Takeo

M-21 bent down to check a man's pulse, the man was indeed still breathing, M21 looked at Takeo and nodded, the latter sighed. Tao came running from afar.

"Guys...Is this trouble? Because it surely does spell out trouble to me" he said half chuckling and half trembling while pointing at the mass of bodies on the floor.

M-21 and Takeo looked at Tao, their face expression changed. They were serious. M-21 let go of the man he previously checked upon. He slowly rose to his feet.

"They're all dead, Tao" said M-21

"Wha-what?! How are we supposed to hide so many bodies?! And what-what are we supposed to tell boss?!" Said Tao his hands on his head looking back and forth at the mass of bodies.

"Oy, dont get ahead of yourself, idiot, I've only knocked them out" said Rael walking away from the trio.

"So they're alive?!" Said Tao almost tearing up, his over dramatic reactions sent both M-21 and Takeo into laughing fits, Tao himself then also started laughing...

And Rael walked off, with a small smile slowly lighting up his face...


Chapter 3 will be here pretty soon ^^

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