Chapter 2: A What?

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Annie's Point of View

I woke up the next morning and freaked out a little. Temporarily forgetting where I was, until everything sunk back in.  I relaxed into the bed and the smell of bacon drifted into the bedroom. I started to stand up but I felt ready to puke all over, knowing Pan would make me clean it up, I decided against it. 

"Pan? Pan you there?" I called.

Hurried footsteps echoed before Pan was in the room. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yes..." I replied confused over his concern I thought he just hit his head last night. But apparently his head injury is more serious than I thought.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Well I think I can leave now I feel fine and I wanna get dressed." I said attempting to sit up again. Only the vomit tried to make a reappearance so I laid back down. "And I feel sick."

"Shhhhh just lay still, I'm gonna get a hit bath ready for you." He said standing up.

"Why are you being so nice to me Pan?" I asked seeing him wince. "What?"

"I don't like when you call me Pan." He said softly.

"What else would I call you Dr. Evil?" I laughed until I saw his confused face. "Oh you were serious."

"My name is Peter Pan, so would you mind calling me Peter."

I looked at him funny again. "Sure..."

He smiled. "Well I got to go take care of things you stay here."

"See ya." 

I looked around the room and decided I needed to grow a pair and get up. But his bed is so comfy. No! Snap out of it! Ugh this is hard! I sighed and swung my legs over the bed. The sick feeling came back but I pushed it away and stood up. I snapped a change of clothes on and headed for the door. It didn't take to long for me to reach the door and manage to climb down the rope latter. Only tangling myself up in it three times. Goals have been achieved on this fine day. Now to make it to my apartment.

After an hour I reached my front door I walked in and slumped on my bed. I sighed and relaxed into the blankets. When my door swung open and the boys came crashing in and jumping on my bed.

"Jesus you guys quit! You act like wild animals!" I stopped and looked at them as they stopped jumping. Finally noticing that they were wearing animal costumes. I rolled my eyes. "Really guys? What do you want?"

"Wanna play hide and seek?" Ash asked.

"Guys I shouldn't-"

"We brought you some magic Ju Ju." Garret exclaimed.

I looked at the boys who of course acted innocent. "Did you guys seek into the potion room and steal that?"

"No of course not...he did...we just showed him where it was." Nick smiled.

"You guys are the worse." I laughed.

"Someone had to break him in." Liam joked.

"Fine what do you want?" I asked.

"Well if you drink this." Ash snatched the blue liquid from Garret and handed it to me. "You'll feel better and you can play hide and seek with us."

I looked from the potion to the boys who were all smiling. "Fine." I took the bottle and opened it. "Bottoms up."

As the Ju Ju ran down my throat I instantly felt better. Also like I was being shot with energy bolts.

"This is fucking awesome!" I yelled. "Let's go play!"

I ran out of the house and to my favorite hiding spot. It was in the middle of nowhere in the woods. And it was in a little cave that the rocks made. I ducked down inside and sat in my little chair. I was always the last one to be found so I would be here awhile.


Two hours have passed and I was still in my little cave. I couldn't even here them calling.

"Whatcha doin?"

I jumped into the air. The fuck was that? "Hello?" I asked.


"Who the hell is there?" I asked as I stood up while freaking out.

"Me." A girl with purple hair appeared in front of me smiling.

"Yup I've lost it those boys poisoned me." I said sitting back down.

"No you got it wrong, they fixed you but I'm your pixie."

"A what?" I asked.

"A Pixie."

"A pixie like a fairy godmother?" I asked

She laughed. "Yeah sure only I'm a pixie and well we are up to no good and blah blah blah. Where fairies and "godmothers" are well encouraging you to do good things. They were clothes-"

"You're wearing clothes." I said

"Yeah but very little. I where whatever I want I have no rules. Fairies do, I'll encourage you to do bad things. Okay K. And before you ask you are stuck with me so isn't that great!" She smiled. "Oh my name is Serena."

"I'm Annie or An for short. I'm in the middle of a game right now." I said.

"Oh well you won screw them let's go get into some trouble." Serena smiled.

"I don't know-"

"Come on you are gonna come out of your shell. You have one hell of a mouth but you need to come out of your shell more. Let's go!"


We ran through the woods and come across the beach.

"Let's go swimming!" She smiled.

"The water is filled with blood thirsty mermaids." I said giving her the 'if you wanna be eaten be my guest.'

"Forget about it come on it will be fun. Plus it's a great work out!" She said jumping into the water.

I looked back in the direction of the camp and then to the water. "Oh what the hell!" I said before jumping in.



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