'James, I have arranged for you and Lydia to meet up. She asked if you can go to her house, to do, you know what. ;)'

'Mate, this is going to be epic!'

'I know. She's got everything set up!'

'Okay, got to find an excuse to ditch Daisy for a bit..'

12th, November.

'Dude, Lydia wants to meet you again, to discuss things..'

'Callum, I can't. I'm having a family day out with Alice and Daisy..'

'Mate, you'd rather put Daisy and Alice in front of, you know what? Man, when this is finished and everything goes to plan, you can have Daisy all to yourself. Lydia and I will keep out of your way then'

'Fine. I'll have to find an excuse then. I guess this is more important.'


My heart was already starting to sink. He had ditched so many of our outings for 'Lydia'. I just wanted to die in a hole. I know he is cheating on me, and I can't trust him anymore. I just need more proof he is cheating before I..you know..dump him.

_______________________________________________________________James' POV

Shit. I forgot my phone. I needed that for warnings and when Daisy was going to get suspicious of something. Oh well. I parked outside the restaurant where I saw Lydia waiting.

 "James!" She walked over to me, holding a bunch of paper.

"And this is for?" I questioned.

"Planning. Now get inside! I'll be with you in a bit." She demanded, walking in her high heels towards her car. I shrugged and went inside the posh building.

"Sir, I believe you booked a table?" A tall man, wearing a black suit with a red tie asked. I nodded and he showed me the way to the table.

Two plates were at both ends, with red napkins and forks, knives and spoons set neatly. Two wine glasses with a bottle of wine or something in a bucket filled with ice.

"Excuse me. Can I have the wine later?" I politely asked, handing the man the bucket. He rushed into the kitchen and I waited for Lydia to come back.

I hope I didn't spend too long here, Daisy couldn't wait too long. She was very inpatient. Lydia walked in, the papers still in her hand. She sat down next to me and handed me crap loads of paper. Plannings, dates. What?

"We're still doing this, right?" She questioned, double checking.

"Of course!" I shouted in agreement. And that's when our buisness took place.

Daisy's POV

It wasn't too long before James burst through the door. I gave him a snotty look and pretended I was doing something important.

"Baby, get ready. I'm taking you out for dinner." He instructed, shooting upstairs.

Pfft, I don't think so. If he wants to cheat on me and then expect me to go to dinner with him, he had another thing coming.

"Daisy!" He screamed louder. I sighed and stormed up the stairs towards him.

"I am not going to dinner with you!" I screamed in his face, running to my bedroom and slamming it in his face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He whispered.

I sobbed into the pillow, snuggling up into the blanket on the bed.

"Please tell me." His voice was quiter than usual.

"Who..who's Lydia?" I cried out. Now he could tell that I was crying.

"You'll find out if we go to dinner, tonight." He opened the door slowly and creeped over to me, cuddling me.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, tenderly kissing my forehead.

"I..l-love you..t-too." I mumbled. He smiled lightly and picked me up.

"Baby, we both need a shower." He winked at me. I smiled and got up, taking his hand.

Later on..

"Where are we?" I questioned.

"You'll find out." James winked, getting out of the car and opening my side.

It was a very peaceful night. The dark, night sky above us. It was beautiful. I managed to catch some shooting stars, too. Alice was sleeping over at her friends house, so it was just me and James tonight. I was still eager to find out who Lydia was though.

We walked into the shiny building. It was a restaurant. James had also booked a table for the both of us. I didn't know when he did it. Probably when he went out, later on. James pulled out my chair, allowing me to sit on it and then pushed me towards the table. Like a gentleman, of course. He sat down, opposite me.

After food..

"Mmm. The food was nice, wasn't it?" James stood up.

I nodded and licked my lips, watching as he got a spoon and tapped his glass lightly.

"Everyone. Be quiet please! I have an announcement to make!" I was shocked. It made me a bit humiliated, to be honest.

Everyone paused and looked towards James and I. James smiled and looked at me, in the eye.

"Delilah Smith. Since a very young age, we've done everything together! From being bestfriends, to a couple, to having a gorgeous daughter named Alice. And I think it's about time. You're my everything and I love you to death. More than anything. Well, apart from my xbox. I love that to death, too."

Everyone laughed.

"I'm messing! I love you more!"

"Aww." Everyone said, loudly.

James winked and knelt down on one knee. "I want to be with you, forever, Daisy." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a purple box. I knew what was coming. I was waiting for the exact words. "So, one question, baby." There was silence.

"Delilah Smith, will you marry me?"

Tah dah!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is sorta short and I kept getting distracted when writing it. I was half way through writing and then I had to go. I went to the cinema to watch Gravity. It is the best movie in the world and some parts were extremely sad. It was also 3D. Lol, my mum hates 3D, she can't stand it, but she said that the 3D in the film was amazing and she loved it! I recommend watching the film.

Sorry for not updating for a LONG time.

~Eireann. xxx

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