Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire.....!

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Chapter One

It was 12:30 the last time I looked at the clock. The party was starting to die down and I wanted to get home before my dad had a conniption, and grounded me for being out too late again. I was almost half way down the street when I heard a car pull up on my right and roll down the window.

"Kristin, want a ride home?" my best friend Lea called to me from the passengers' side of her boyfriend John's car.

"No thanks Lea I'm good" My house is only five minutes away and plus John is a really bad drunk and I don't want to be around when they start fighting.

It was starting to get really dark at the intersection of Lincoln and Maine, my house is on Lincoln one of the darkest streets in this town. The street light started flickering and I felt a shrill of wind down my spine. As I was passing the first house on my street I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I automatically turned around and froze; there was a guy who looked not much older than me if not my age standing there staring at me. I quickly turned around and started to pick up my pace, but I felt his sharp gaze on my back. I thought about running but I remembered the stilettos I was wearing and changed my mind, because first of all I suck at running and second I would probably fall and break my ankle. This would dig me an even deeper hole. As I was getting closer to my house I realized the guy who was just behind me was now a few paces ahead of me boring his eyes into mine. That's when I knew I was screwed and before I could even yell he snatched me up into his arms and was running at an abnormal speed. I was so taken aback that I couldn't even think to try to fight him off. As we were running down the street I saw my life flash before my eyes, all I could see was my mother, father, and older brother's face replaying itself in my head. The whiplash I was getting from this run was making me nauseous and dizzy; the last thing I was able to remember was this strange mans face and how his arms were cradling around me.

I woke up thinking I was in my bed and that the whole thing about being kidnapped was just a bad dream. But as soon as I opened my eyes I was laying there face to face with the guy from my dream. I screamed and tried to run but the boy with the milky white skin lingering above me pushed me back down with a force so hard it knocked the breath out of me. I laid there confused and took in the features of this boy who'd kidnapped me. He had oval pitch black eyes that looked almost deadly with high cheek bones that accented his face nicely and his eye brows furrowed up in speculation of my curious and startled gaze. I quickly looked away from his sharp gaze afraid to look into his eyes. Then that brought me back to reality and that uncomfortable eerie feeling settled back in. I was in a dark room with no windows and musky colored walls that look like they held a thousand stories within them. All I could think about was;

Why me?

What does he want?

Where am I?

Then as I felt bile building up in the back of my throat I pushed it back down so I was able to choke out the words,

"Who are you?"

"You don't want to know" he said flatly.

"Then why am I here? What do you want?" I felt tears start to build up in the corner of my eyes. He looked at me with those deep black eyes and said, "You're here because I want you to be here" his eyes grew hungry and he took a step closer to me. I flinched back against the head board of the small bed I just realized I was laying on. He flashed a naughty grin at me.

That's when I saw them.

He had pearl white teeth and fangs that were razor sharp at the edge just ready to bight into something. This beautiful guy was a vampire and he was going to suck my blood. I started sobbing even more. I remembered my dad telling me about vampire attacks when I was young. They were about twenty years ago in this area, but I never believed him and never believed I would come face to face with one who wanted to suck my blood before either. That's just my luck. He stepped back and started pacing around the room. I stared blankly at him and then said, "Why are you doing this? I promise if you let me go I won't tell anyone about this. Just please let me go!?" He stared at me torn; maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was so I took advantage of his weakness.

Getting kidnapped by a sexy vampire....!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant