Chapter 15: The Beginning

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Erin stared, speechless, at the eerily red eyes looking back at her. Her breath hitched in her throat and she tried to swallow around the painful lump. 

"You...what?" Erin asked quietly, not looking away from those dangerously beautiful red eyes.

Nat didn't respond right away. Instead, she pulled onto the side of the road and shut the car off, throwing them into complete silence. 

"I'm a demon, Erin. Full blooded creature from Hell. Run if you want to, I promise I won't try to stop you, but I need you to understand that I will never ever hurt you." Nat responded quietly, almost inaudibly. She didn't dare look back up at Erin, not wanting to see the disgust and hatred in her beloved's eyes.

"I don't want to run." Erin finally said after a long silence. "I don't feel that you're going to hurt me. Strangely, I feel more safe with you than I ever have in my life. I just... I don't understand."

Nat's eyes turned to the silvery color, and she sighed as if the weight of the world was just lifted off her shoulders. "I know you don't understand, but I wanted this alone time with you to hopefully try to explain things to you the best I can. Thank you for not screaming and bolting out of the car with terror."

Erin let out a small breathless laugh. "So... my girlfriend is a demon. Are demons born? How long have they been around? Does this mean that Satan is real? Are you immortal? Do you have su-"

"Erin! Calm down, sweetie. We have all the time in the world for me to answer your questions. And I promise that I'll try to answer every one of them as best I can. Just, please, one at a time?" Nat chuckled. Erin was definitely taking this better than Nat thought she would. "Would you feel comfortable taking a walk through the woods with me?"

"If I haven't bolted yet, I'm sure I can handle a walk." Erin opened her door and stepped into the soft grass outside of the car. "Do you think it's safe to leave your mother's car here? I'd hate to see it stolen or totaled."

"It should be fine, this road is rarely traveled upon. Besides, materialistic things are easy to come by for us" Nat replied as she stepped around the car and took Erin's hand in hers. 


The deeper into the woods they ventured, the quieter everything got around them. In the dense trees, all they could hear was the occasional animal and the sounds of their own breathing. Erin was about to break the silence when they stepped into a small clearing taken up mostly by a beautiful crystal blue pond. What little land was around it, was the greenest grass Erin had ever laid eyes on and big boulders scattered the area around the pond. It was so beautiful, it seemed surreal. 

"This is the most beautiful piece of land that I've ever laid eyes on. Did you know that this was back here?" Erin asked, mouth agape as she glanced at the area in front of her. 

Nat chuckled softly, leading Erin to one of the big boulders closest to the pond. "For a while now, yes. I often come here to swim, the water feels fantastic."

"It's so beautiful" Erin repeated, still in awe of the space around them. "So, demons?" she asked and turned to look at Nat with a quizzical brow.

"Where would you like me to start?" Nat turned towards her girlfriend, folding her legs crisscross under her. 

"I guess start at the beginning. I have so many questions." Erin turned to mimic her sitting position.

"Well hopefully, I can answer most of them with the story of how we got started. I assume you know the origins of how Lucifer came to be, correct?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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