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So on my way back I thought the van was gone because I didn't see it so I ran in home just in case
I was in my bedroom sitting down when I heard a van come into my driveway......
I ducked down. I heard someone trying to brake down my door so I went under my bed
I heard a beep voice yelling "AMY COME OUT" I knew it was my ex
I whispered "shit"  I was waiting for him to go
Then he pulled me by the legs!!!!
I screamed "help"
He said "your coming with me"
I was trying to fight him but he was bigger then me.
He pushed me off a mirror.
I fell to the floor with pain.
he picked me up and put me in his van.
But the way he pushed me, I ended up going to sleep.
I woke up at first I couldn't see right.
But I novice I was in a strange place,I was in a bedroom that look like my bedroom(must have being watching me for ages) but when I went to open the door It was locked and when I look out the window it was just a wall. The door made a noise and then open the door, there was a voice that said go to the kitchen so I did I was so scared tho. He had me trapped, it felt like I was his doll. I had nowhere to run I was trapped.

Kidnapped by my exWhere stories live. Discover now