One thing's for sure, I wasn't loosing Alexsa for a second time. Especially not to his gay ass.


After practicing for another two hours, I'd relieved enough stress and decided that I'd had enough for right now. I walked out of the gym and headed to Alex's room. Waiting and knocking repeatedly for about 5 minutes, it was obvious no one was there so I tried calling her. My call was denied.

It wasn't another hour and a half until I had to start heading to the arena, so I decided to go and handle her.

I sighed before remembering she told me one of the first things she wanted to do at the hotel was go to the spa. I made my way to the underground section of the hotel and sure enough she was standing with her back facing me, talking to what looked like her masseuse. 


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After discussing some things with him, he led her to a room in the back and she disappeared. D'Angelo's bitch ass was right, the little 2 piece she'd changed into was doing her body wonders. 

"Excuse me." I went up to the receptionist. "That lady who was just talking to the masseuse, what did she come in for?"

"Well she just got a mani-peti and a facial. Now she has an appointment to get a Swedish massage. Why?"

I reached into my wallet and slid an 2 100 dollar bills, walking off. She didn't say a word as she watched me turn the corner. As I was about to walk into the room, the White guy stepped out and jumped when he saw me.

"You're not allowed to be back here sir."

Again I passed out another 200 dollars and he looked tempted, but he was way more hesitant than the receptionist.

"Listen, I need you to get whatever it is you guys use for this massage shit. Oils, candles, whatever and bring it to me. I'm gonna fill in your role on this one."

"Sir I d-"

I handed him another hundred dollar bill and he slowly took it before leaving for a while. 2 minutes later, he came back with a tray full of things and the only recognizable items were a lavender extract, 2 vanilla scented candles, strawberries, and Jojoba oils.

I thanked him and he just sighed walking off as I walked into very dim room. Alexsa was already laying face down on the chair and all she had on was a towel. I lit the 2 candles and the room lit up immediately. The amount of light was perfect, but it still gave the room a mysterious and sexy feel- especially with the vanilla scent.

 The amount of light was perfect, but it still gave the room a mysterious and sexy feel- especially with the vanilla scent

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Panty Droppa ~Kelly OubreМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя