Chapter 27- He Loves Her

Start from the beginning

Trelawney looks down evenly at him for a moment. "I wouldn't be so sure that that information is correct, my boy."

"And why not?" He scrubs the orb harder.

"Because that information was given to you by Miss Granger- she is very unrelia-"

Harry slams the rag he had used for cleaning on the table, making her jump. "Just because Hermione doesn't believe in the rubbish that you teach, doesn't mean she isn't reliable. She uses facts, and is actually a genius. So don't talk about her that way."

Trelawney raises her eyebrows. "Ah, yes, I forgot that the two of you were dating- nice to see that you're loyal. No matter. Your relationship will end soon enough."

Harry glares at her, his eyes seeming like they're shooting daggers. "What makes you think we're breaking up?" He questions through clenched teeth.

Trelawney shrugs, getting to her feet and stretching. Harry hears her back crack. "All young couples do- none of them make it."

"Some do." Harry says indignantly. "And Hermione and I aren't that young anymore- Hermione has already turned nineteen, and I'll be nineteen this summer."

Trelawney chuckles, shaking her head. "Listen, my boy- that girl is nothing but trouble. She didn't believe in predictions or the things I taught, and someday that will cost her dearly. The things I say are true."

A chill runs up Harry's spine in memory of her prediction that Harry would be the one to kill Voldemort. "Hermione and I will make it. I know we will."

The speck of dust was gone now, and Harry sets the orb down. He only had one more orb to clean and then he was done. "And how are you going to keep your relationship after you graduate Hogwarts? Hmm?"

Harry frowns, scrubbing the glass fiercely. "Maybe I'm going to move in with her." He sets the orb down, finally done. "Maybe, after I move in with her, I'll marry her. And then maybe, we'll ave kids, kids who will come to this school, and I will tell them not to be in this class, simply because you can't keep your nose in your own business! And maybe, our kids will grow up, and we'll have grandchildren, and then we'll both die happy, buried next to each other." He says indignantly, and she raises her eyebrows as he stomps towards the trapdoor. "Hermione and I's relationship is real." He adds, and then slams the trapdoor shut.


"The instructions are simple. We have approximately twenty spare cauldrons. Your job is to clean them, and the tables, and organize the potions room if you have enough time." Draco says. "And of course, I won't speak to you unless you'd like me to."

He sits down on the wooden stool perched in the corner and leans back against the cool, stone wall. He watches as she moves towards the cauldrons, cleaning them out with a filthy rag and then make sure they're completely clean by using her wand. She works in silence, and doesn't say a thing- she had no intention of speaking to him.

He had told Harry that he liked her- and even though it ended with the two of them dating, she was still frustrated with him. She had put in a lot of work to sever any angry and negative ties she had with him and start over- she had forgiven him and been his friend, which had honestly been hard, because they had had a terrible past. And then she had told him her secret- that she fancied her best friend. And then he just up and told him.

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