before i start

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Since I don't have an official ran or status book yet, I kind of want to share my opinion in this book before I start this book.

First of all, there is way too much drama in this fandom. Everyone needs to just take the sticks out of their butts and just keep your opinions to yourself. We don't have to all like each other, but we can call be mature enough to be civil on this website and in this fandom. Hacking each other and making diss tracks isn't funny and it's pretty immature. So, please just stop with it because it's not even funny and you sound freaking dumb as shit.

Second, you may say that I don't deserve to have an opinion and blah blah blah, but I don't care. Some people in this fandom are acting like a bunch of five year olds. Don't like each other? There's a mute and block button for a reason people. But don't use that button just because you're an annoying troll. Use it because you have a legitimate reason.

Third, stop victimizing yourself. If you're getting hate and it's bothering you, leave. Give yourself a break from the toxic situation. Delete the app and just come back when you're ready. Don't just claim you're going to take a break and then come back like an hour later. Give yourself the time to go over what happened and to get over it. Then come back when you're ready to read, write or both.

Also, if your squad is being hacked constantly, I would recommend changing the password to something unpredictable and making sure you're careful with who you share that information with. That wasn't shade, but it was based off what I've seen in the past two weeks I've been here.

That's all I'm gonna be saying for now. I'll be updating soon, pretty much whenever I want because I don't have a schedule and I update when I get inspiration.

Gossip Girl, just kidding <3

Also check out my friend's( Eastshore19 ) new story. She's back from her hiatus and is starting back up with writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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